Starting from Lion, it has been difficult (programmatically) to get familiar with the program while working with existing leadership in joint den meetings. We are working well personally and the kids work well, but finding the crossover is already running dry.
Having more alignment between den goals is going to be helpful since I will be helping to guide the Lion leaders next year.
Reading more about the length of the program, I can see the potential for burnout in any activity. But I disagree that the program should be shorter. For scouts with older siblings, the lower ranks give them access that they wouldn't have had in the past. And in some states (CA) younger and younger children will be starting elementary school (4 and a half years old, maybe younger). Many scout programs are tied to elementary schools. Traditional scoutcraft and outdoorsmanship is beyond the younger kids, but they are happy to learn and play even if they cannot do it alone.
Rather than make the program shorter, I wonder if it would make sense to have the program be easier to jump in and out of. Many kids are trying various sports and activities. To some parents, scouts is just another activity. But instead of being 2 months long it is 12 month to 12 years long.