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  1. This blog addresses the topic. https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/03/09/check-the-bsas-tool-use-policy-before-your-next-service-project/ What bothers me is the restrictions on Cub Scouts. As of August 2021, Cub Scouts cannot use handsaws The Guide to Safe Scouting Activity Planning and Risk Assessment Policy Regarding Prohibited and Unauthorized Activities https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/gss07/#b lists as #2 "Any activity that is not aligned with the current Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities" with a link to https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-685.pdf. In this, the section titled "Tools (See SAFE Project Tool Use Guidelines: filestore.scouting.org/filestore/healthsafety/pdf/680-028.pdf)" states that Tigers (with an adult partner), Wolf, Bear and Webelos scouts can use handtools, which the referenced SAFE file lists as: hammers, screwdrivers, wood sanding blocks and handheld paint brushes. Bears and Webelos can additionally use paint rollers, and if they have earned the Whittling Chip, can use a pocket or wood carving knife. There is no guidance on hand drills. As of 8/21, BSA only allows Scouts BSA 5th grade and age 11+ to use a handsaw. This policy should be challenged and changed. There is an inconsistency between the Guide to Safe Scouting Activity Planning and Risk Assessment Policy Regarding Prohibited and Unauthorized Activities which allows Tigers with Adult Partner to use hand tools and the SAFE file which prohibits Lions/Tigers with Adult Partner from using ALL tools. It is a HUGE mistake not to allow children to start using rakes, garden trowels, sanding blocks, screwdrivers, paint brushes until they are in 3rd grade (8 to 9 years old). In my experience, the sooner children start using tools, the more familiar they become with safe use, the more motor skills and muscle memory they develop, the more tasks they can confidently achieve, and the more things they can independently and competently build/fix
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