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    Kid wrangler
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    New to cubs

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  1. Thank you, the right mix is definitely important.
  2. I'll try the site. I'm a parent so not sure what's up with the app, my kid wanted to use it as a way to track progress.
  3. I was told kids could use the app to track their own progress and stuff. Cool downloaded it and such, it won't let them or me do anything in it though. Is it because it's a new pack, the cub master has said for the past 2 months that stuff is still being set up including the bank account, the pack started up in Aug/Sept. I know the pack number is still the same as a defunct pack, which was highly mismanaged. For example, I paid for a full year of scouting, the pack disbanded right before Xmas and money was just gone. Kid was never put in the system, and none of their stuff was recorded as being done (thankfully I kept my own records), the only thing they were left with after the 3 or four meetings that were actually conducted was some science kits that were missing parts. The new cub master told me to let them know what my kid finished and they'll get him the belt loops, but was told technically they don't award them after they've leveled up (which is fine, but this wasn't my kid's fault). My kid has also been met with some skepticism since they completed 15/21 plus bobcat, but we homeschool so can do a lot of stuff during our free time. I'm still keeping a physical copy
  4. Hi, I'm a parent who has a cub who had a less-than-stellar experience our wolf year. We're back at it now with a new den and having a great time, so fortunate we found this new troop. I'm still doing a good chunk of stuff at home as we homeschool and I have anxiety that leaving it up to another adult will leave my kid pack less again.
  5. I know this is a super old thread but just wanted to say this is so helpful. We're a brand spanking new group of 14 kids and it's a mixed bag, only 4 of the kids are wolf and higher. Even though we meet nearly every week, we still have some time management issues with 14 kids (10 of them neurodivergent). I am fortunate that we have lots of adults willing to help out and a good chunk of parents willing to work on adventures at home as well.
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