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  1. Not sure if this is the right forum or not. I recently got my son involved in Cub Scouting, and I have started taking more of an active role in facilitating camping trips. I'm also thinking about becoming Scoutmaster. I volunteered to haul the trailer for a trip this weekend and went to check out the trailer today. Tires are good, bearing seem well maintained, and all the electrical is good to go; however, the trailer has no tags. I was told that someone (no one can remember who) gave the pack the trailer, but there was never a title given with it. The registration on the plates expired a few years ago, so instead of doing a little light investigating to find the title holder to get everything transferred over, someone just took the tags off of a trailer they owned and put them on the pack's trailer. That person left last year and took their tags with them. It's a whole big mess. I am trying to unravel this mess, but it is slow going. The VIN on the trailer is marred and illegible, so it is nearly impossible to figure out who owned it. Right now I'm playing 6 degrees of separation to find anyone who used to be affiliated with the pack that can get me any info about it. Hopefully it works out. Assuming I can find the owner and get the title transferred, who do I transfer title to? Scoutmaster, the pack, the chartered org? I'm hesitant to title it to an individual because then that individual could take it when they leave or sell it. I don't think individual Scouting units are separate legal entities for taxing/registration purposes, but I might be wrong. Our chartered org is a for-profit corporation, if that makes a difference.
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