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    BSA, camping, OA
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    Involved parent

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  1. Thanks for all of your insights. It has be most helpful.
  2. There has been one time where I voiced a question and was informed by the Council President that I was stepping outside of my perview and if I did it again that I would be removed from my positions.
  3. Again the questions were: Who is allowed to attend the Executive Board meetings for a council? Can I as an Assistant Scoutmaster, OA Chapter Advisor, District Committee member, and Unit Commissioner sit in and listen to an Executive Board meeting? Yes or No? Would I be able to look at past meeting minutes? Yes or N Would I be able to request looking at those minutes? Yes or No? Is the Scouting program to be transparent in their work? Yes or No? Is the Council expected to be transparent in their work? Yes or No? Thanks
  4. This sounds eerily like the rumors that are going around my council right now. That whole situation is what I've heard from other volunteers. We love our camp but don't trust the Scout Executive.
  5. Who is allowed to attend the Executive Board meetings for a council? Not needing to vote but to be able to watch the proceedings. Are Leaders able to request or look at past meeting minutes? How do we request looking at those minutes? Thanks
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