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Everything posted by ajherkert

  1. this is great advice @curious_scouter!! Thank you for the thoughtful and insightful post. I really like the framework you are introducing. It is great to hear what you say about being a Den Leader and I am leaning into this heavily. Having this support network en force thru the scouter.com forum is awesome!! I will also be prepared to be humbled as I definitely have lost a few brain cells since I was 17 crossing over to Venture scouts. my guess is that Running a Den of 5 year olds (and growing) is going to draw more from my experience as a summer Camp Counselor rather than my own personal Cub Scouting experience. but the scouting experience will be huge for so many other reasons, not the least of which is taking it seriously. thanks again for the great feedback. I am really just thrilled to be reuniting with this dimension of myself and so grateful to the BSA for instilling the values of Scouting in me to truly last a lifetime. What a privilege this whole 'leadership' thing is.
  2. Good advice @Eagle1993 is it a safe guess to say you earned your Eagle 10 years before I did? Thanks for your input here. It is my hope to draw from my experiences to enrich the local council/region in a way that promotes the Scouting movement. I am planning to attend my monthly pack committee meetings and monthly District meetings. Plus Pack and Den meetings, of course. also looking at New Leader Training for New Den Leaders, and Wood Badge in 2023. You make great points about burn out. In previous roles volunteering and serving on Boards I have experienced similar over-commitment issues. So I know a bit about what that looks like but hearing your story is an important heads-up. Much appreciated!
  3. Hello Scouters. Posted my introduction story yesterday HERE if you want to learn more about me. In short, I've been a scout since 1992, third generation Eagle (2003), and now a (very stoked) Den Leader for my 5 year old. I also did additional extra-curricular outdoor adult education and leadership work thru NOLS and YMCA Outpost program Camp Manito-wish YMCA. My day job is in corporate media so here are a few questions about Scouting in popular culture and the Media: Who is 'the most popular' Scout with an actual Scouting platform - Is it Bear Grylls? are there other Scouts with on camera personalities like Bear Grylls that come to mind? Are there any mini-series, novelas, or episodic content your Scouts just love? e.g. Tintin or anyone like him? Any other Media / Popular Culture Scout references that come to your mind? Thanks in advance for your input!!! -Andrew
  4. I will chime in. Posted my story in the Introductions thread just yesterday if u want more background on me, in short: I am new to Parent Leadership but 30 years so far as a Scout I started with Tiger Cubs in 1992 and earned Eagle in 2003. That's 11 years start to finish. if I would have been a Lion, it'd have been a 12 year run. Not too much a difference in the grand scheme is it? as we all know, only about 4% of scouts earn rank of Eagle before aging out or just quitting BSA. the key to my success was simply that of family legacy (i'm a 3rd gen Eagle), plus longevity with program, and indoctrination. IMO the Lion Program increases the chances of having more eagles by starting the Scouts at a younger age. How we make it fun, fulfilling, engaging? Come on now.. that's up to us - parent leaders are 100% in control. Currently I am a Den Leader with 5 Lions, my Son being one of them of course. He is loving it. We also have another Lion in the bullpen, our 2.5year old who is excited to follow his brother's footsteps. I'll be following this discussion closely and updating as we make progress with our Den.
  5. My boy sold his first bag(s) of Popcorn over the weekend 😭 quite exciting ... after 30 years as a Scout myself, I'm officially a Leader for our Lion Den here in Glacier's Edge Council of WI. Looking forward to the next 10 or so years with our pack of Cubs (my Lion has a younger brother) and then advancing to Troop leadership as they officially become BSA Scouts. about me: my Great Uncle was a rare 'wartime Eagle', earned around 1944, continued on as council Official, Scoutmaster, regional exec, etc... my Uncle was an Eagle, earned around 1960, continued on graduating dozens of Eagles thru his troops my Dad and other family members were active scouts I earned Eagle Scout on December 9th 2003 Earned AOEX Certificate from NOLS (Outdoor Educator - 30 Day Sea Kayak/Backpacking expedition in Alaska ) Camp Manito-wish YMCA - Outpost Leadership for 4 years Earned B.A. and Master of Arts Degree by age 23 Traveled to 20 Countries / speak 4 languages Entrepreneur Sat on Entrepreneurship Board at Alma Mater for 5+ years as a Mentor Founded a communications agency which supplied Marketing & Communications support (company is 12 years old) Founded a Software company which is a major Microsoft partner (company is 7 years old) Married into Military family: Wife's grandfather was an Eagle! (and a USAF Distinguished Flying Cross Pilot of 20 + years [WWII thru Vietnam]) she has very little Scouting exposure so is really having fun with this seeing it all basically for the first time my Lion Cub has already sold over $500 worth of Popcorn this year ☺️ Most excited because as of 2022, I've been a scout for 30 years (I'm 35 y/o now) and now have enrolled my Son as a Lion that means I may be eligible to be a scout for 100 years before I die, if I live to 105 - lol Looking forward to a long career in Adult leadership as a Scouter. I am aware I need to pursue Wood Badge. Not sure what else to consider. in addition to Pack leadership, there is Local Council leadership - right? - Any examples of what that entails? Would love to know: What is your best advice for Parents who may be 'deeply experienced in Scouts overall, but are new to Pack leadership?
  6. Oh man - Liability VS Fun sounds like the entire challenge of adult Scout Leadership summed up in one equation, lol. great to know you virtually, and to be on this journey together. I am sure we have a lot of fun and rewarding times ahead for the kids. and Congratulations on your Eagle, class of '03 was a good one!
  7. Thanks 🙏 Glad to be here and looking forward to many great years ahead.
  8. Similar story here! Earned rank of Eagle in 2003, and went on to spend a couple more years involved with my troop, then pursued Outdoor Leadership activities through other associations like NOLS. I was in the Scouts since Tiger age (we started in 1st grade back in my Day) and it was a big part of my upbringing and shaped who I am. Loved summer Camp the most but then got real into the High adventure world and never looked back... it's been 15+ years since my last time doing anything Scouting related! Excited to be back in Uniform. My oldest is also 5 and starting as a Lion. I just spent $350 at the local scout store to get ready for the season, Lol sounds like we have some things in common! So OP, where abouts are you / what council are you in?
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