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    New Albany, OH
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  1. I don't want to keep @Potter-Family-Dad. I would like to delete this long in and get my @larryedwardpotter account unBANNED, but creating a second account was the only way that I could try to follow @RememberSchiff's advice. How can I delete @Potter-Family-Dad and get @larryedwardpotter unBANNED? If that is not possible, then this forum is not going to be a useful option for me, and I would like to delete both accounts. Thank you, Larry E Potter
  2. I am the new this year scoutmaster for Troop 450 in New Albany OH. Have completed my Wood Badge Ticket and waiting on my fellow Bear Patrol members to hold our Beading Ceremony. This weekend I will be heading off to the first weekend of Green Bar. I am looking forward to keeping my eyes on this forum going forward. So, how am I a "Banned Scoutmaster"? This post is being made by a second account I had to create to try to get the account attached to my normal email address @larryedwardpotter un-Banned. I have been Private Messaging @RememberSchiff because he was tagged on the only message I can get from this site if I log in with that account. He said that the reason I was Banned was because "Blacklist software flagged your information." So, I asked, "What information? and What blacklist software are you referring to?". He then said, "You can enter you first post for approval." So, here I am making my first post for approval, but I am not sure how that is going to get my @larryedwardpotter account taken out of the BANNED state. Yours in Scouting, Larry E Potter Scoutmaster for New Albany Troop 0450B https://sites.google.com/view/bsa-troop-450-new-albany-oh/home Merit Badge Counselor for Polaris District Boy Scouts of America - Simon Kenton Council
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