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  1. ABCDE

    Derby Racing

    Thanks everyone for all of your responses! I knew if I posted here I would get some great answers to my question! You're all wonderful!
  2. ABCDE

    Derby Racing

    Thank you very very much for your responses! It will definetly help me! I can definetly relate to the IED and Gun comments! Some of the parents really do get overworked about the whole thing! I have two Boy Scouts from our brother Troop to come and protect the track, we have problems with parents and kids walking over it before and during the races. Usually, it is really hard for us to get the Boy Scouts to help out with the Cub Scouts and it is amazing to me to get two boys to help us out. Thanks again!
  3. ABCDE

    Derby Racing

    Our Council has just told me that it is not providing someone to call/run the Pinewood Derby for the Packs this year. Our Pack Pinewood Derby is Saturday, January 12th. (Next Saturday!) I am in charge of running the Derby this year for our Pack. I have no idea what a double elimination bracket is or how to run the actual race. I can/have done the wiegh-ins and all other aspects of the Derby. I just have no idea how to run the actual racing. Can someone out there please point me to somewhere on the internet that will help me? Thanks in advance!
  4. Being a Cub Scout Den Leader with 5 out of 10 of the Cubs (one is my son) with Special Needs, I felt I needed to pass this article along. I already knew the benefits of Scouting to people with Special Needs, but this warms my heart even more. http://www.tribstar.com/news/local_story_209225033.html
  5. I took a look at your link and I happened to notice that on August 21st at 7:30 pm the last thing happening is the CRAP walk. LOL! That really gave me the giggles but others might not be so forgiving
  6. I personally would let him stay with the boys in his grade even though they are not the same age. There are obviously outside reasons why this boy has not progressed academically as children the same age would. I would also assume that if you took the boy from the age group that he can identify with socially and put him in an age group that he could not identify socially with he would never get anything out of Scouting and most likely quit. I have a 9/almost 10 year old in a Wolf pack at the moment, it is because that is where he should be so that he can Do His Best. Everyone's best is different, some need more help than others.
  7. I think it was trying to add to the "family" atmosphere for the last episode. I don't remember the last time that Tony, his wife and the two kids met somewhere for dinner just them, no one else involved. Also, I think James Gandolfini (the actor that plays Tony) has a son around the age of a Bear Cub so it might have been a way for Daddy to have Sonnyboy in the show.
  8. I think it was trying to add to the "family" atmosphere for the last episode. I don't remember the last time that Tony, his wife and the two kids met somewhere for dinner just them, no one else involved. Also, I think James Gandolfini (the actor that plays Tony) has a son around the age of a Bear Cub so it might have been a way for Daddy to have Sonnyboy in the show.
  9. I am surfin' the scouter forums and what do I hear from the tv? "I'll take Boy Scouts for $400, Alex!" They didn't get through the whole line of BSA questions though and the time ended on that round! Good to see it though.
  10. I bought two of the books at Borders in Stamford, CT last Friday night. They where 30% off. (I love a bargain) One was for my 40 year old brother, the other for my 8 year old son. They both love it!!! I even like looking at the book. Every time you open it, you find something new. I wish I had bought the book a week before just for the paper airplanes. In our Pack meeting last thursday, the boys all had paper airplanes and flew them to see who's went farthest.
  11. I was wondering what your Dens or Packs do when they are walking in town parades? We usually walk in the St. Patrick's Day Parade and the Memorial Day Parade. Last year, in the St. Patrick's Day parade, one of the parents brought a huge bag of candy for the Tigers to throw to the crowd. I have been told by one of the people from District that the candy is not a good idea to do again. In the Memorial Day Parade, it was a jumbled mess of kids and parents walking behind a banner. I personally would like to see the boys in an organized "march" or some kind of pattern walking the parade route. Maybe even singing some songs or soemthing. What ideas to you all have or what have your den/pack done in parades?
  12. ABCDE


    I actually just ordered the Leader book, the How to book and the Ceremony book from the scout shop, I am sure those will definetly help me!
  13. ABCDE


    Wow, the cord sounds really cool! I think the boys might actually go nuts over that. Thanks!
  14. ABCDE


    Thank you very much for explaining the Denner to me. I appreciate it. I asked everyone in the Pack we belong to and no one knew anything about it. It sounds like it would be a great thing to teach the boys some responsibility. I am going to give it a try at the next den meeting.
  15. ABCDE


    Could someone please tell me what a Denner is and What the Denner Does? I have heard and read some references to it but I am still confused. Is it a boy in the cub scout den? is it an adult? what exactly does the denner do?
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