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    Scouts, health & safety instruction with American Red Cross and robotics coach
  • Biography
    Joined scouts when oldest son joined as a Wolf Cub. Both sons are Eagle along with their father.

LisaMNB's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Our council does not have DE for our district. (That is another topic in regards to not having one or having one that is useless.). District Commissioner is on a "wait and see" mode until the council has its board meeting next week to figure it out. Our unit committees just met together tonight to form a plan for seeking out of new CO while approaching our UMC about a facilities agreement. We don't have time to wait or depend on our council We have good prospects on organizations that might be interested in taking on the CO role. This link has been more helpful than anything that our council has provided us. I recommend downloading the documents, especially the graphic. I recommend watching the videos as well: https://methodistscouter.org/a-new-agreement/ Enjoy Scouting in our units. Dislike all this mess.
  2. Our unit was "divorced’ by a Baptist church as its charter organization many years ago and it was not an easy or happy separation of assets. Our council did not provide assistance. Dedicated volunteers really struggled to make the transition to another CO go smoothly for our scouts and their families. Our unit moved to a UMM and we are now forced by the BSA-UMC agreement to find another CO. Is there a checklist for dissolution of a unit from a CO to make this process less stressful? Is there a checklist for creating to forming a new CO relationship. Again, our council is not being helpful and we volunteers are growing weary.
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