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Everything posted by Tron

  1. Last year there was a rumor out of the national meeting about a new program for older scouts to replace venturing. I think national is still baking that one, I cornered a local who is on one of the national committees and he was like "I know of the rumor you're talking about, I can't discuss that." and he wouldn't say a word. So I would say there is legs to the rumor but no one has details/will provide. Venturing is really in the decline where I am at. What I see is that some troops sporadically have a handful of engaged older scouts and so they form a crew for a couple years and then when those scouts go off to college the crew folds. In my area I think venturing is more of certain troops having a high adventure patrol than actually forming a crew per the BSA doctrine.
  2. Wow, lot of stuff to digest here. The cub program is fine. It has been fine. The updates that are kicking in June 1st (or abouts) will be an improvement. The key to the cub program is what many of you already touched on; disengaged parents will provide a poor program no matter what the program is. I do feel that there will be some more advanced WEBELOS that will get held back due to the new program; however, the overall 4th and 5th grade cubbing experience is going to be better for the majority of scouts. The key to retaining AOLs/capturing them into the troop level program is going to be troop to pack interaction. When I was at the pack I pushed the attitude of "Next years crossover starts this June!" and by the time I moved on the pack went from 25% or fewer AOLS crossing to about 80%. Your local troops have to be involved, they need to send den chiefs; those older scouts talking about all the cool troop level stuff that happens year round is a big part of hooking an AOL on crossing over. I don't get the order of the arrow. Somethings broken there. As others have stated it has moved from being an honor society to being a service society. As an outsider looking in I see elections as popularity contests, I know of a scout who camps 20+ nights a year, never turns down a service opportunity, but he just can't get elected year-over-year. Half the troop doesn't like this scout and he can't get in. I feel so bad for him; he is living the scout oath and law, he is camping, and he is doing service and he just can't get elected. So many of the other kids look at what has happened to him year-over-year and they are all "F that program, we don't want to be part of something like that." On top of that I personally don't see the service; our camp has a massive back log. I know that my council is part of the problem, I've spoken with people that I know in other councils and the OA experience is phenomenal; however, it seems like those lodges are far and few between. The lack of outdoors/camping is an issue. I think this goes back to something I read in another thread, the poster stated that back in the day it was a fight to see who was going to be SM, today it's a fight to see who isn't. What I see in my area is that most SMs fall into 1 of 2 buckets: Bucket 1 is the don't know squat bucket, and so the troops outdoor program falls apart and then the troop shrinks until folding. Bucket 2 is the SM only cares about his kid bucket and everyone else is along for the ride.
  3. A lot of people get spread thin; but if more leaders just asked people to step up it wouldnt be such a problem. I see a lot of troops in my area suffering from low scouter numbers; however, they are doing it to themselves. Heck I mentioned troop resource surveys at my sons troop and I would be dead right now if looks could kill.
  4. This has been in the making for a couple years now; was probably the long term plan all along. Venturing has been coed for what, it's entire existence, and has not had problems? My pack has been crossing over female AOLs to troops in other cities for 2 years now. What I suspect will happen is that the troops that go coed will survive and the other will die; my town has 2 troops, and I suspect that the troop that pulls the trigger on coed first will be the troop that survives.
  5. Considering that there is an impending announcement of full co-ed troops I think national is going to drop several bombs and al-Quida everyone who has been resistant to change/modernization.
  6. What is happening per cubchat is that national polled parents and had a 12% response rate (which is apparently high) and parents told national they hate sewing stuff on uniforms. What national decided to do was change all patches to loops/pins. There is supposed to be more information available this month; based on what I've read everything that was an award still exists but many are becoming elective adventures after June 1st and the scout shops will only stock the new belt loops and pins. EG: Outdoor Activity Award will still exist, but in its new form it becomes a belt loop instead of a pocket flap patch.
  7. My district was up roughly 3% y-o-y; however, that was all cub growth and I just heard that we finally had a dead troop turn in its charter.
  8. To the people who repeatedly stated "Venturing" the question is does the scout want to stay in the program or does the scout want to be around his friends? If it's he wants to be in the program venturing might be a good fit; however, if he wants to be around his friends venturing is not a good fit due to the primary registration rules surrounding venturing crews. Has anyone heard anything about Catalyst BSA? The supposed new program being brainstormed by national for 20-30 year olds?
  9. I think you're missing the point of his statements and now his additional proof of the matter. People are "out to get BSA" when the reality of it is that BSA is the target because BSA has money. If BSA was an open source product with no home office squating on cash this lawsuit would never have happened.
  10. Just nag them. Every time they ask a simple question that is addressed in training point out how they would already know it if they did training.
  11. Sounds like a training issue. Has this leader completed their position specific training? You mentioned "nothing safety" but how is the den meeting without a second registered leader? Either the den is not meeting properly within YPT or you have a 2 deep lack of leadership training going on. To the point of dual citizenship; our government does not recognize dual citizenship, you are either American or you are not. To emphasis this I point to the fact that non state department entities keep stating a larger number of Americans in Gaza than the state department. The reason for this is that some of those individuals traveled out of the country using the visas of other countries and thus our government is basically saying it's the other governments problem. IMHO love it or leave it, you're either an American or you are not.
  12. In my experience they are the worst; especially people who end up as a committee chair for too long. God complex is an understatement.
  13. I see what both of you are saying here. What I would like to point out is that my council absorbed several other councils and as it turns out we had a substantial liability during the settlement; however, as the story goes, of all the councils merged to make this current council, one of them had almost no issues because they were following the rules and enforcing the standards. What I would like to see is this summary really broken down to the council that existed in that time. So for example if the "modern council" has 100 claims, I would like to see a sub section that shows "Old council 50, old council two, 25, old council three 10, etc ..." Even breaking things down to the old district levels would be great. I think there were districts and councils doing things way better than others. We don't have the visibility to see who they were so we're not able to examine what they did that was done correct compared to all of the other districts and councils that failed the youth so badly.
  14. Scouting is a time and money drop in the bucket compared to league play sports. My 1 buddy was gritching about the commitment and money sink to be a CM, my other buddy laughed and was like "Dude! I just paid $3500 for my daughter to play volleyball for the next 3 months so she can stay in form and have a chance of making the varisity team next year; he then went on to say it was mandatory for him to attend away games which included driving as far as Minneapolis and St. Louis (from Chicago). The issue is not time, the issue is not money, the issue is responsibility. People are lazy and they collapse under the weight of being expected to show up on time with a box of crayons.
  15. If the whole world took this climate change CO2 thing seriously there would be a per capita restriction and not random made up caps and balances. This is all about control.
  16. The number are something like 70% of scouts came out of the cubbing program. There is very little (30%) organic recruitment for troops. The focus should be on the packs, and rising tides will lift the troops.
  17. Your council has it. The question is does your registrar know where it is and does your registrar have the intestinal fortitude to work with you to find it.
  18. In my experience I think the #1 thing that a professional scouter can do to help the council/district/units is to constantly recruit new volunteers and encourage every unit to participate at the district level either through the COR or a COR delegate volunteering on a district committee.
  19. 30% is probably due to the IRS rules. The fact that your current pack puts all into the scout account is probably violating the IRS rules on dollar-for-dollar non-profit fundraising and the personal benefit rules.
  20. So you're pack is small which limits your access to adults. Think about the pool of volunteers something like this: There are only so many adults that are at the same time capable of volunteering and able to volunteer. So what you have to do is grow your pack to a level of scouts that gives you access to enough capable and able adults. Typically that number is 30-45 scouts.
  21. We're seeing good growth in our area. We're a mixed financial class area and still picking up scouts in packs and troops. Our problems stem from lack of adult engagement hurting district and council event planning. What I do notice from speaking with surrounding areas is that the hot packs and troops are waning while other packs and troops are getting stronger(which might be what is happening in my area as well). Overall though we're seeing year-over-year growth.
  22. You can't carry the pack on your own. Have you voiced these same concerns to the other parents and leaders?
  23. Your council will have a paper archive of all those old documents that pre-date the electronic filing of recharter, etc ... You will need to contact your council registrar and ask for access to review old documents.
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