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  1. As an old scout leader once said, “what’s predictable is preventable”
  2. Sorry if I was unclear, I think that girls in Scouting America is great, I do not think that we should go ONLY coed units. There are a lot of benefits to that interaction and meeting over common interests like scouting can help de-stigmatize those relationships. Things like linked troops, and out of troop experiences (summer camp) can also achieve these without going strictly coed. Ultimately it should be up to each family and each scout what experience they want, whether that be coed or single gender and they should have that option.
  3. I disagree, I think that most boys do not have an issue with it, HOWEVER from my personal experience most boys want time with other boys without girls. For many boys this age it is a confusing time socially in many different ways, not just girls, and scouting is a great out from that, away from phones, in nature, wearing uniforms (no pressure on clothing choice), all meaning less pressure to act a certain way socially. And let’s be completely honest, majority of scouts are cisgender and would likely feel some of that pressure around people of the opposite gender. There is no issue with girls in scouts, but guys and girls should both have their time away from today’s social pressures and scouting provides that.
  4. It looks like they have obtained trade marks for naming, products and indication of membership.
  5. Rumors of a rebrand to Scouting America... anyone have anymore information? Allegedly being revealed Tuesday Morning at NAM.
  6. Does anyone know anything about this, are they nat level positions? https://oa-bsa.org/volunteer
  7. Hello, I am staffing a very well known council camp in Southern California. Would it be appropriate to wear silver shoulder loops because I am registered with the council as a volunteer employee?
  8. jscouter1

    New Hats?

    What does everyone think about the new hats, personally I don't love them but I think it is an interesting addition.
  9. Does anyone know where to find printable Sea Scout advancement resources? I cant seem to find any printable advancement sheets that I can bring to meetings. I would make my own copy but I rather just use a pre-existing one.
  10. Hello, I apologize if this is not in the right category. Yesterday my troops Scoutmaster passed, he was the second scoutmaster our troop has ever had. The last time our troop had to find a new scoutmaster (1987) it took them months. I am sorry if this is commonly known information but what happens now, who's job is it to find a new scoutmaster?
  11. Hello forum! It’s been a while since I have posted on here but a lot has happened since then and I am again faced with a dilemma that I can not figure out myself. As a preface for this you should know my troop does things a little differently and (among other things) runs their own high adventure programs, this means we will never use a BSA high adventure like Philmont or Northern Tier. It has come to my realization that I would like to visit Philmont in the short amount of time I have left as a scout ( 4-6 years depending on how you look at it). Now the reason I am posting on here is that when November rolls around enrollment for NAYLE at Philmont starts, while NAYLE sounds amazing a Rayado trek does as well. Any input helps!
  12. This post doesn't really ask any questions but is more of an update (feel free to leave any advice) Im back. Hey guys most of you probably remember me as the kid who could not join the OA whatsoever. Last in this adventure, I was fresh out of options and pretty sure this was the end of it for me. But then I went to NYLT (first scout in my troops 75 years to do so). On top of the awesome times I had at NYLT and the valuable leadership skills I did bring a few things back. One of the first was actually getting to talk my OA troubles out in person with my TG who is a Brotherhood member. He did bring up some new ideas that I cant believe I hadn't thought of. Joining a Venturing Crew!!! How did I not consider this as an option. So as soon as I got back to my home council I used to unit locator to try and find a venturing crew near me. To my utter surprise I could not find an active crew in my area, now this may sound normal to some, but I live in LA and with 7,000,000 people you would think that someone would have started a crew. Sooooooo I seem to be back where I started. Thanks for reading, I will probably provide another update like this following my troop going to Camp ManyPoint in Minnesota.
  13. Hello, some of you may now know me as the kid who really wants to join the OA. Well I am here to tell you guys that my journey has come to a sad end. I have tried all chances to join but none of them have turned out. My SM denied an election, surrounding troops wouldnt do dual enrollment, and even the lodge in the council neighboring has "ghosted' me. So I wish you all the best of luck with your journeys and you are truly all lucky to be involved in such a great organization and brotherhood. - A friend in scouting,
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