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  1. You can also make sure your name is listed on the Part A of the Health Form, that lists who is authorized to take the Scout to/from events.
  2. Question is in the title. If a Pack and/or Troop or multiple units come together to form a new "Friends of" corporation to act as a CO for the units, can that organization solicit funds for itself, that it will then use for the units it charters? How could this work? Could parents solicit from friends/neighbors/hold events to raise money? To flip it around, if a church that was the CO for a unit held a "gala to benefit our chartered units" would that run afoul of BSA's solicitation rules? How could this work or would it not? What would the counterarguments from Council or National be?
  3. Recently bought my son a "My First Opinel" to give to him once he completes the Bear Claws/Whittling Chip activities this week. Some of the requirements necessitate a multi-tool or Swiss Army Knife (show how to use the screwdriver, can opener), so I might end up getting him (or me) a multi-function knife as well, but keep the Opinel as his "Whittling Knife." It sure looks good, it'd be a shame to not use it!
  4. As a relatively new Scouter (volunteering for 2 years) with a Cub Scout son, a Cub Scout aged daughter, a wife who wants to do camping things but not quite rough it, and a. toddler, this is a very attractive option for us to be able to do Scout-type things as a family, possibly also including my older (70ish) parents (who were my Cubmaster and Den Leader growing up but who haven't camped in ages). This seems a great way to include family in additional adventures, and for the BSA to make some extra dollars.
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