Hello everyone! I'm Matt, and I'm a 27 year old scouter from Pittsburgh, PA.
I currently serve as an Assistant Scoutmaster within my troop, and have been filling the role on and off for about 3 years now. Prior, I was a scout in the same troop, receiving my Eagle Scout in 2011. From 2013 to 2018, I was in school, earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Came home, re-registered, and here I am...
I will admit, however, that I am not here out of mere curiosity. I come looking for ideas, as my troop seems to have lost its way a bit. Due to COVID, a bit of apathy, and a lack of leadership (from myself included), morale and productivity is at an all-time low in the troop. This is not an indictment on my scouts or fellow leaders. All are great, and I am genuinely thankful to be a part of their endeavors. We have just reached a "funk" that we have found it difficult to dig ourselves out of.
I have finally hit a turning point. Not one of those new year's resolution type of turning point, but an actual moment where the motivation to improve has exceeded my usual 27 yo mindset. For the time being, I have effectively thrown the idea of "boy-led" out the window. I have been leading the last few meetings. I am, essentially, re-teaching the troop how to be a troop. Elections are coming up, and I hope this can help the new leadership understand that meetings can be both productive and interesting. My intentions are to continue this with the new PLC, slowly backing off through the spring. I have every intention of sending a few scouts to NYLT (something my troop has neglected since I left in 2013), and I hope this will be a major catalyst to bigger and better things for the boys.
So far, results have been positive. Scouts seem to be more energized, and momentum is building with each meeting. I have had one scout even tell me that he intended to quit before the routine changed. Part of me never wanted it to come to this, being a huge advocate for the boy-run model. Desperate times, however...
My first two questions for the forums at large:
1. Am I doing the right thing? Is there a point where the troop can/should be strong-armed in the right direction, even if it means temporarily removing some of the traditional hands-off mentality? Am I potentially setting up the troop for an even bigger fall, or is there a good way to work my way out of this, hopefully leaving things better than I found them?
2. Is this blog worthy? I have dabbled in the idea of creating a blog from the view-point of a young scouter in a young, rather small troop. I feel there is a lot of development and story-telling that can be had.
If you made it this far in my post.... Wow. Kudos!