I am glad I went to Wood Badge, wish I would have gone years ago (20 year leader)
Finished my ticket last month. My Troop Guide would appear to prefer me to beaded at a Troop Court of Honor to reinforce Wood Badge. I agree, but I am not a member of a troop (District Member at Large, and I am new to this District and Council).
If I joined a local troop, it would be awkward for me to have my beading a part of Court of Honor. I think I would wait until I was a known, established entity (that would take months or longer). And what if I were to join the troop, but then later discover its program wasn't for me or time/circumstances prevented significant participation? I would look selfish and silly.
Same for a District or Council event, if that is even possible.
Suggestions? This Council heavily promotes Wood Badge and I sometimes think I am the only one at District and Council events not wearing beads. On the other hand, I am a scout leader so I can work with scouts, not focus on my own uniform. Am I overthinking the importance of wearing Wood Badge beads.