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clbkbx last won the day on March 11 2022

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  1. Duh... that is what I meant to write. I was trying to make the point that it would typically be better for folks to have their lawyers do as much as possible from a cost perspective.
  2. Aren't most lawyers working on a contingency where it would be better for them to do more hours? That’s the complaint I’ve heard from survivors: that they can’t get a response or have their attorney do anything for them.
  3. Sadly some of this is because of an older population and it has taken four plus years to get to this point. There were also duplicates, etc. The Trustee said that some attrition was inevitable but it was higher than she expected. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are suggesting, but 31% is not representative of claimants scared away by scrutiny.
  4. Yes there will be higher payouts but I don't think anyone believes it's fully funded.
  5. Per the latest Trust update: A little over 82,000 proofs of claim were initially submitted. Currently, approximately 7,300 chose the expedited distribution and 317 chose the independent review option. These options are now closed. For the matrix, approximately 56,000 claims were received before the deadline. There may be some late claims allowed but probably won't move these numbers too much. So in the neighborhood of 65,000 claims total.
  6. I see this idea often, not just from @HICO_Eagle “The BSA would have done something if only the abused kid would testify.” First, that’s pretty classic blame the victim. Second, in my case in the 90’s, an ASM did raise concerns and was told it was fine and the YP rules were being followed. After several years of abuse I did testify, on my own with the support of my family and zippo from BSA. So it’s always frustrating to read that because in the instance I know, the exact opposite happened. I doubt I’m one in a 100 thousand. On balance wouldn’t it have been much much better to have been sued for defamation from a false accusation and erred on the side of protecting kids?
  7. Now we are talking about BSA in general. You are way off on the homosexual vs bisexual comment. The great majority of pedophiles are heterosexual. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1556756/ On whether the Boy Scouts did their best... I don't think I can add anything that will change your mind but note that your description of how an SE or TCC would have analyzed the situation has no mention of doing the right thing and is all about liability and reputation.
  8. You misunderstood what I was saying: my recent posts are not about one single instance.
  9. And from the Boy Scouts who very prominently purportedly hold themselves to a higher standard!
  10. It is pretty clear that the topic is about BSA’s culpability in general. You make an over arching conclusion about that… in the same post where you say you were only talking about one specific example and the goalposts were being moved.
  11. The BSA doesn’t think so: "There have been instances where people misused their positions in Scouting to abuse children, and in certain cases, our response to these incidents and our efforts to protect youth were plainly insufficient, inappropriate, or wrong," https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2012/10/boy_scout_perversion_files_off.html
  12. That is exactly what happens for most of the lawyers. They get a percentage of the distribution. @Eagle1970Thanks for sharing and sorry to hear that. The state by state difference is terrible.
  13. For you, maybe. Some survivors (including myself) do find on balance that it is healing. It got me back to therapy and there will be some sort of finality. How many people actually post in this thread regularly, 20? Are even half of those stating they were abused in BSA? It's just such a small representation of the number of victims. I'm glad to see @Bzzyadding a voice and it's crushing to know this is not the case for everyone. That was me for a good portion of the bankruptcy process (mad at the underfunding, inequity of distribution, the lousy lawyers, the amount of time, etc.) That some victims will find some peace through and around this process is a good thing. The Boy Scouts could have done this better and there would have been more positive outcomes.
  14. That’s not really fair, especially after a post from a survivor saying he thought it would bring a measure of peace. It’s a big mess and about protecting assets and making money for lawyers, etc. but it’s not only the bad parts.
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0q1ox20xqw5mmzjz4i5im/a3fa6777-ba03-42a0-a73b-5c9a90600938_2022-03-11_FINAL_REDACTED_Supplemental_LC_and_CO_Voting_Report.xlsx?rlkey=t7x65kvcmqmypuvp5zhedg4tl&dl=0 That is the excel sheet that was provided after the vote that was accepted. I don’t recall whether the question was for current council or at time of abuse. There’s a lot of empty cells and it only reflects the data from people that voted… but maybe you can use it.
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