Claims to be adjusted aaccording to the CLI
Trust Distribution Procedures).
b. Claims Matrix
The Claims Matrix establishes six tiers of Abuse Types, and provides the range of potential
Allowed Claim Amounts assignable to an Allowed Abuse Claim in each tier. The first two
columns of the Claims Matrix delineate the six possible tiers to which an Allowed Abuse Claim
can be assigned based on the nature of the abuse. The Base Matrix Value column for each tier
represents the default Allowed Claim Amount for an Allowed Abuse Claim assigned to a given
tier, in each case based on historical abuse settlements and litigation outcomes which included
release for all BSA-related parties, including the BSA and all other putative Protected Parties to
such actions, prior to application of the Scaling Factors described in Article VIII.D of the Trust
Distribution Procedures. The Maximum Claims Matrix Value column for each tier represents the
maximum Allowed Claim Amount for an Allowed Abuse Claim assigned to a given tier after
Claims Matrix review and application of the Scaling Factors described in Article VIII.C of the
Trust Distribution Procedures. The ultimate distribution(s) to the holder of an Allowed Abuse
Claim that has received a Final Determination may vary upward (in the case of a larger-than expected Settlement Trust corpus) or downward (in the case of a smaller-than-expected Settlement
Trust corpus) from the holder’s Allowed Claim Amount based on the payment percentages
determined by the Settlement Trustee. If an Allowed Abuse Claim would fall into more than one
tier, it will be placed in the highest applicable tier. An Abuse Claimant cannot have multiple Allowed Abuse Claims assigned to different tiers. Commencing on the second anniversary of the Effective Date, the Settlement Trust shall adjust the valuation amounts for yearly inflation based Case 20-10343-LSS Doc 6445 Filed 09/30/21 Page 228 of 441 224 on the CPI-U. The CPI-U adjustment may not exceed 3% annually, and the first adjustment shall not be cumulative. 11 U.S. Code § 502 - Allowance of claims or interests |
11 U.S. Code § 502 - Allowance of claims or interests | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
enter the year(s) of abuse next.