Well, it's enough to cripple The Boy Scouts of America in the Rocky Mountains. Some might consider that significant. Apparently, also, increasingly in the Catholic church (52/333 million nationwide).
An enlightening reply, nevertheless. I will study it yet for some time. Thank you.
I don't think COVID is the reason for losing 145000/150000 in Utah and Idaho. That's a pretty big framing error, even for me, particulary since my mug is in the photo.
Nationwide, had Scouting just retained market share, we (BSA) should be at 8 million now. AwakeEnergyScout, do you have a sermon explaining that massive screw up?
You can't do anything if you don't have a clientele.
Ah, this is becoming quite the metaphorical cobler, is it not?
It's worth noting that the Scout Oath and Law originate from Catholic scripture. Catholics have not changed too much in their thinking about these foundational doctrines in 2000 years. Could it be that it is BSA (at 1.2 million), not the Catholics (at 1.4 billion), that no longer appreciates the original intent?
Bear in mind that I am still in the program. I love smiles of all sorts at my waterfront.
Rather than steal from the Boy Scouts though, could we not just make more pie? Different flavors, even. In my experience, the original flavor so tasty to boys and men, while tolerated by a few others, is not really what they'd prefer. Make them their own flavors! Why can't the-soon-to-be Scouting America, heir to the 110 year-old beacon on the hill, do that? Two-week old iPhone apps manage it, why can't we? Why can't we admit that we need different things for different people and do something about it, rather than squeeze square pegs into one round hole.
But please, more, more. I take all comers, acerbic or otherwise. If we don't invite critics, we just live in a cracker barrel.
Grow the pie.
Don't erase boys.