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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. Either. What do you as an individual feel? Is 2.3 or 2.7 million for the upper end meet what you would call adequate/equitable or do you think it is high or low?
  2. Yes that is what the BSA says and the TCC has a much larger figure. Not so interested in the legal stances I wonder more about what individuals feel.
  3. So all of the phrasing is basically the same. BSA and the TCC has put forward a Matrix. BSA says as of now there there is not enough assets to meet the matrix payouts. But there might be in the future. My question is and I am putting it to the forum do you think that the matrix is fair and adequate? Do you think 50% is or is it low when you add in say 50 years of suffering?
  4. I keep hearing and heard in the NAM presentation the words "adequate compensation" yet what gets put on the table seems to me to be far less than adequate. So I pose this to the forum...What does "adequate compensation" equate to you? I am very curious what those who were not abused have to say and how that would be compared to a survivors perspective.
  5. Not sure how this could work. If hypothetically National and half of the LC's settled and a trust was established who gets access to the trust money. If claimant A's LC settled and B's doesn't can B participate and get as much as A (if abuse was even) from the trust? Does B retain his right to sue his LC? If B sues his LC does the portion or percentage given by the other LC's to the trust get deducted from his settlement and go back into the trust? Does the right to retain the ability to sue have a dollar value? Whew seems kind of messy. I think it will have to be one or the other.
  6. Scouts or unit leaders that matter are unaware of the bankruptcy details, and that is good (he should of put a thank god in there)
  7. I am sure you are correct and we all know that reading emails to that address is not something he actually does. Only after an assistant screens them.
  8. This might be the start of more states AG's opening investigations especially those that might need to garner public positivity. Could Gavin Newsom here in California who needs to distract attention from his recall ask the AG here to help him out?
  9. In the TCC letter to the judge I find it amazing that all the email addresses are exposed. Maybe we should all email Mr. Schiavone and ask him why he won't comply? LOL
  10. I would hope that we all have done some research, know that there were 7,800 (at least) individuals named in the perversion files and get beyond a narrative of "some bad apples". I am sure that out of 85K claims there are some false or some outright lies being told but that does not support a "some bad apples" narrative.
  11. I find this point of view to be shall we say...BS no A. The biggest threat was the bad publicity. A secondary concern was litigation as in the 50's and 60's very little civil suits were being filed on behalf of victims of sexual assault. As far as the 21st century BSA offering counseling when did that happen? If I am not mistaken it started when they wanted to test the waters to see how many victims might come forward. The cover up is always worse than the crime i.e. Richard Nixon and Watergate. And make no mistake this has been a cover up!!
  12. I am very fortunate in that my health insurance will pay 100% and if my therapy continues beyond my retirement the VA will pay for it. Thank you.
  13. Here is where I have an issue. It isn't to me so much what the BSA did but what they did not do. They did not help those that were in need and that was the victims of the "evil pedophiles". In my situation the local council knew that one of my rapists victimized 12 to 13 boys such as myself and never lifted a finger to try and identify any of us and get us the help that was needed. Yes they prevented him from being a volunteer again in another city several years later but essentially covered up what he had previously done. Does anyone know of a situation where after a Boy Scout was victimized that the BSA went to the victim and made sure that the proper counseling and therapy was provided? Yesterday after 54 years I had my first therapy session and that is 54 years to late.
  14. And they were like 125 years old when thy filed the claim;
  15. Chubb has a lot to hide or they wouldn't fighting this so hard.
  16. T.K. asks if this is a hint that Chubb is raising capital for BSA survivors. Report: Private equity firms look to buy Chubb | Security Info Watch
  17. I think all or most all that is contained in the TCC's plan is known to the BSA's legal team as most of it would have been brought up in negotiation. BSA legal felt after the May 19th they were going to lose exclusivity. I am assuming that the TCC gave their plan for contributions from the LC's to them and National. BSA National and the LC's are very afraid of the the TCC's plan knowing that it will make legal and logical sense and have the backing of the majority of the claimants. They had a meeting with their legal, gave up a little more, called the mediator who called the judge so they could get the delay and will now present a little morsel. TCC knows it won't be enough and so they were against it. Now we wait once again until June 4th. BSA will say look we are negotiating and the mediators will agree. TCC will argue there hasn't been enough progress and once again the ball will be back in the judges hands. Let us all hope that she doesn't pass it back to the BSA or the mediators but finally gives it to the TCC.
  18. Not that I can see as there is no gag order in place saying there can be no comments on the case. This would be a judge's order and would be contempt if in place. It definitely is contempt for the court and very inflammatory.
  19. It is like a high stakes game of chicken or he who blinks first....loses.
  20. Yet they are still being investigated and sued and having negative PR. I think just this week I read something about an archbishop. Not sure how that could be seen as a positive.
  21. For my two cents I think you are short changing what publicity could be generated against both the National and the local level. I believe as this moves forward and more survivors come into the public eye more awareness that the average person will have in America. Most people I talk to who have never been abused, have a scouter in their family or are a mental health professional have no or little idea what has taken place. I think the NBC video which went out to a national audience is just the beginning of what negative publicity could come if there is no Global type plan approved. Think of how the Catholic Church is now globally known as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Former Boy Scouts speak out on sexual abuse claims, bankruptcy case (nbcnews.com)
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