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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. Your opinions are always welcome and looked forward to.
  2. I watched Scouts Honour a couple of days ago. Took me a little while to get up the courage since I wasn't sure about any triggers. In my opinion it was well done and very factual. Michael Johnson presented his opinion very eloquently and was quite believable and Steve McGowan the ex-counsel of the BSA was able to give what has become the old guard BSA talking points. I recommend everyone to watch it.
  3. I made that post because it was the first time, I read it and I thought it was interesting from both sides of the coin. Using the number 90,000 claimants may not be accurate but neither is 80,000 there are more than 82,000. I guess PBS is wrong also. The Wikipedia was about BSA Sex abuse cases and what the BSA has done to try to curb the amount of abuse, not so much centered on the bankruptcy itself. I would say it is a general overview. I saw no need to pick out anything within it to attack any point of view.
  4. If anyone here has not read the Wikipedia page on Boy Scout sexual abuse cases than here is the link Boy Scouts of America sex abuse cases - Wikipedia Please read the whole page.
  5. Yes @skeptic once again you are correct, and I guess from you feeling sad that you finally realize that the BSA created the perfect environment for pedophiles with their indoctrination to young boys to trust and obey what their Boy Scout Leaders said and did. And maybe now you can see that they covered up the amount of damage that the pedophiles did to young boys by not releasing the files that they had to the public. Because if it was known to the general public then maybe one parent would have not let their son join an organization that ultimately scarred them for life.
  6. You are correct, the BSA used language in their own publications that put scout leaders as someone who could be trusted in everything, and little boy scouts should follow everything that that scout leader should say or do. So, when a scout leader was finished with his dirty little deed, he would say to the little boy scout tell no one not even your parents. The little boy scout would do exactly what he read in his handbook which once again was trust your scout leader because "he likes boys and wants them to become real men" Exactly an environment that a pedophile would thrive in. And the BSA knew they had a problem with CSA, hid it from the general public and still published handbooks for scouters and their parents with the writing that @ThenNowhas quoted. As a survivor I was taken to the dark side by a scout leader. Unfortunately, with the trauma that was caused I have had to revisit the dark side more often than I would like.
  7. I was born in 54 and never heard those words in a Disney movie. Please enlighten me as to which one it was. I was never taught about a "trusty grocery" and was once at the age of 5 praised by a CHP officer for not getting into his car when he told me, my sister and a friend he would drive us home when we were walking down old 395 by March AFB. I am pretty sure Mr. Science only taught us science and said believe in the science. Stranger Danger campaigns and warning started in the early 1960's when people started to get TV's and the news started reporting about horrific things that were happening to children even CSA. Maybe you have been drinking the BSA Kool Aid for a little too long.
  8. After reading all of this I can only imagine how scoutmasters etc. could feel as if they were supreme beings. It is so cult like. I bet that old time scouters in their 70's and 80's also feel the same way, that only they know what was right or wrong after being indoctrinated with words such these.
  9. So why is it that you feel that the BSA should not be held as accountable as the Catholic Church and other organizations which has had to pay out billions to victims of child abuse which happened at the same time as BSA Child Sexual Abuse? Why do you blame parents, law enforcement, lawyers, society norms etc etc and not just say BSA was wrong for their cover ups and strong arming of parents not to prosecute and then burying any reports that they archives until the Oregon Supreme Court ordered the files to be released.
  10. All of the views you have written over the past few years speaks volumes about the darkness of your heart.
  11. Dear @skeptic the only SAD about all of this is that you and so many of the entrenched BSA care so little about and try so hard to downplay what transpired within the BSA for so many years. You have tried to divert away what actually happened by blaming lawyers, parents, the police and victims without really acknowledging that survivors deserve every penny that they may get.
  12. 56 years ago, I was the victim of 2 BSA personnel who had decided to have unlawful sex with me (yes it was a crime 56 years ago). Over the past couple of days, myself and 10's of thousands of other survivors are being called dishonest for wanting to be paid monetary damages by another person who claims to be in a BSA leadership position. From another BSA leader I get if they pay claimants, we put current kids at risk. And this from one more BSA leader. We are not "squeezing blood out of a turnip". BSA made a conscious decision to enter bankruptcy and by doing so deprived myself from pursuing my case thru state court where the outcome would have probably been more than I get out of the bankruptcy (my case has been filed in California courts in case the bankruptcy fails).
  13. So with all that has been discussed the statement of survivors wanting to be compensated beyond expenses for pain and suffering does that make us dishonest?
  14. BSA sets their pricing based on expense. The payments to survivors is a one time payment for the most part (land, paintings, oil rights). It would be disingenuous to blame increases on survivors as you have not mentioned inflation. Legal costs are the cost of going into bankruptcy. BSA chose that route and underestimated the amount of boys who had been molested (and yes some of these claims are fake). The increase in insurance costs cannot just be attributable to just the survivors. I am sure that the insurance companies have done more actuary studies as to what they will be paying out in the future for CSA cases.
  15. As I have previously stated the majority of the money in the settlement is from insurance companies. the BSA took out those policies in case of claims against the BSA. Here is the crux of the liability. The BSA chose not to go thru a proper vetting process and there was not proper supervision of these employees and or volunteers the courts have decided that BSA has a responsibility to pay for damages. The driver of the Kia was not an employee of theirs on company business but if he had been you would have received money from them. Was the state supposed to lock the driver away for life? He did do 3 years. Once again if the driver had been an employee of a company who made alcohol and was on company business you would have received a substantial settlement. My two abusers were volunteers who were on BSA business (a campout). You can thank @skeptic for what he invoked.
  16. I am not sure where this happened, but you should have gotten money for pain and suffering. Where you unaware of this? Did you have a lawyer? Did the drunk driver have insurance coverage? If he had no coverage and you had no uninsured motorist or if your uninsured motorist was only enough to cover the motorcycle that may be why you received nothing else. The bulk of the money in the BSA settlement (if the chapter 11 succeeds is from the insurance carriers). BSA National and locals will emerge largely intact and will be sent on their way.
  17. So if I am correct then you agree that I should receive zero dollars for my abuse since I did not incur any financial cost. And exactly how are current kids paying me and how does that put them at risk?
  18. I agree with you....however my response to @skeptic was over his statement of thinking it is dishonest to sue for more than expenses. With this line of belief I would be entitled to nothing for being raped. I have had no direct costs that I have had to pay. My insurance has covered my therapy and my meds, but I have had a lifetime of pain and suffering. Does that sound fair? Even today I am going to be doing a new REM therapy to try to alleviate my trigger points and this is 53 years after I was assaulted,
  19. So now you are calling victims dishonest? You think there should be no dollar amount tied to pain and suffering? Shame on you.
  20. I don’t think it’s tricky. The money paid out was because BSA chose to go into bankruptcy. If bankruptcy was not the choice of BSA then that money would not have been spent in that matter. I believe @skeptic has made it clear in all his posts that it is the claimant’s lawyers who he considers “vultures etc”.
  21. Not one lawyer representing a claimant in the bankruptcy (outside of the TCC lawyers) has received a dime as of now. If you know one, name them and then your stance may have some validity.
  22. I read this but I would add one additional thing, have any therapy offered for free to the bullying victim. Not all parents have this covered in their insurance plans and it is costly. BSA could buy a blanket policy to cover this expense.
  23. In an email from my lawyers today I was informed that in their opinion it will take more than a year before appeals are exhausted. Hartford and Century do not have to put money into the settlement trust until after the appeal process however the claims review process will be taking place during this time.
  24. The issues that BSA faced were caused by cover ups, secret files and the want to keep everything that was happening covered up to not damage BSA when fundraising. It was not caused by lawyers representing claimants. So you are saying that Child Sexual Abuse is just part of the larger human and race and compensating victims/survivors for the hell that they went thru and live with is ridiculous? So, if the average payout to a BSA survivor of CSA ends up at $30,000 each that is a ridiculous amount? You are correct about most of the rest of the world such as India where there are gang rapes of women and children and if you are a perpetrator you might have to spend a night in jail or the Middle East where a man raping a boy is basically ignored. Or how about Iran where women are jailed and then raped. My question to you is did you learn nothing over the course of the last 3 years? If you have not, then you should really reflect.
  25. They are just delaying the inevitable. Money is not really the issue with them except that the longer they hold onto their money the more they will make.
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