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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. The BSA made sure that couldn’t happen because they filed the bankruptcy.
  2. This is Hooey, When the initial allegations came forward about the nude photos he could have been removed as a member of the BSA period. There is no god given right to be an adult member of BSA. How many young boys could have been saved? And they did have standing as he was part of their organization. Taking nude photos of young boys and having sexual relationships with them is neither homosexuality or bisexuality. How can you possibly say they removed the threat as best they could when after the nude photos came up they allowed him access to children. That is called gross negligence.
  3. This statement I can't get out of my mind. I am a child of the 60's having been born in the early 50's. I had long hair, I smoked pot, I questioned authority, and I witnessed and read about all that was going on in that time period. Not once was Free Love about sex with children or taking photos of young boys to satisfy perverted sexual desire it was about consensual sex with consenting adults and not feeling guilty about it.
  4. "was twice "called to task" for taking nude photographs of Boy Scouts," you need a law to know that was wrong? "two Scouts came forward to say Brock had "relationships with them as well as other members of the troop" and I know for a fact that the types of relationships he was having was hella illegal, even in the 60's.
  5. "Clyde A. Brock, a 53-year-old bachelor, was twice "called to task" for taking nude photographs of Boy Scouts, displaying them around his Oregon City home, then showing them off to boys who visited. Yet troop leaders didn't kick him out. Only after two Scouts came forward to say Brock had "relationships with them as well as other members of the troop ...that cannot be condoned" was he expelled from Scouting in 1968. Scouting executives quietly blacklisted Brock from ever volunteering again, but let him skirt the accusations by writing a letter of resignation citing only his high blood pressure for quitting. Let's see how the system worked: Twice called to task. Not once but twice, Troop leaders did not kick him out. Later had multiple relationships with multiple boys (and we know what that means). He was not reported to police. Allowed him to write a letter of resignation.
  6. BSA Settlement Trust Financials Thru 12/31/23 https://scoutingsettlementtrust.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#Dp0000016pkB/a/Uu000000e6l4/QDFa7uyndHmsnfZMMFiAnt0qCKrBIPkLSXKIzLDxTgU
  7. This is not a factual statement. Part of the files were released to the public October 18th, 2012, and only after a court order. Even what was released covered only 20 years 1965 to 1985. Even today there are files that have not been released. Boy Scout 'perversion files' offer disturbing portrait of suspected abusers, handling of their cases - oregonlive.com "Many records show Scouting officials referring to sexual abuse in the vaguest terms -- describing it as "improper and indiscreet conduct with boys" or "abnormal conduct with boys."" This is part of the path of release and why so many people associated with BSA hate him 2006: Washington State Supreme Court rules that "perversion files" must be revealed to Seattle sex-abuse lawyer Tim Kosnoff. Here is a part of the Boy Scout efforts: "Clyde A. Brock, a 53-year-old bachelor, was twice "called to task" for taking nude photographs of Boy Scouts, displaying them around his Oregon City home, then showing them off to boys who visited. Yet troop leaders didn't kick him out. Only after two Scouts came forward to say Brock had "relationships with them as well as other members of the troop ...that cannot be condoned" was he expelled from Scouting in 1968. Scouting executives quietly blacklisted Brock from ever volunteering again, but let him skirt the accusations by writing a letter of resignation citing only his high blood pressure for quitting. Brock's case is included in 14,500 pages of confidential Boy Scout"
  8. That is a far cry from saying we have files on men who have committed perverted sex acts upon young boys while engaging in the business of the Boy Scouts of America.
  9. And as far as BSA Bankruptcy and where the bankruptcy plan what is the relevance?
  10. Where do you get your information? Are you part of the settlement trust? When you say "many cannot", how many are you saying, what is the percentage? Have you read the claims? Except for what you have read do you know the lawyers? Do you actually even know a claimant? Have you walked in any of our shoes? As a survivor who was well vetted by a law firm who has filed 1600 claims I am disturbed by your constant attitude of trying to make the BSA look like the victim in all of this. It was the BSA who filed the Bankruptcy and ran their own ads for survivors to come forward. I know this because it was a BSA ad that made me come forward. What is sad is that there are people who post who have no real clue.
  11. In 2019, the YMCA of the USA reached a settlement with several victims of sexual abuse who had filed lawsuits against the organization. The lawsuits involved five victims who had been sexually abused by a former YMCA employee in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the 1970s and 1980s. The victims alleged that the YMCA had been aware of the abuse and failed to take appropriate action to prevent it. The lawsuits also alleged that the YMCA had a history of ignoring or covering up incidents of sexual abuse by staff members.
  12. 82,000 claimants in BSA Bankruptcy. I guess when an organization has more claims against it.
  13. It is difficult to talk about, until you do. A lot of us are exactly like you. We might be in different stages of dealing with our trauma, but we are all alike. Talking about what happened will help erase any shame you might have and help you realize that there was nothing you could have done. You are a survivor. What you survived was not only physical but mental trauma and just like seeing a doctor for physical trauma a mental health professional can help you with your mental trauma. DM me if you wish,
  14. As long as individuals or groups try to paint a picture of Child Sexual Abuse in the BSA that is not the truth, then these untruths will continue to be called out. That is the minimum that those victims who have died or have gone down deep dark holes as a result of their abuse deserve.
  15. Number one this is not a lawsuit it is a bankruptcy initiated by the BSA to avoid more lawsuits. Number two if the BSA was an open-sourced product then the local councils would be facing all the lawsuits and would have to make the decisions of whether or not to go bankrupt. Number three nobody targeted the BSA. Not one person has as a youth knew a pedophile in the BSA signed up as a member and allowed the pedophile to molest them so they could 50 years later sue the BSA. In fact, the BSA set themselves up with their history of cover ups and lies (BSA official testifying before congress there was no problem with CSA).
  16. I think you are being a bit presumptive. You do not know me or have any real knowledge of my mental state. I have no hate, not even against my two perpetrators. The pain of what happened is being brought under control by therapy. I have not asked nor will ask for you to do anything. Money helps especially for those who have had to pay out of pocket for professional help to overcome the trauma that was inflicted upon them. I know for a fact that some survivors have paid into the millions for help. Whose reality are we talking about. I do not believe you are recognizing the reality of BSA's involvement in the lax enforcement and the subsequent cover up. Heck the BSA told congress they had no issues with CSA within the BSA, what a lie.
  17. You were called out because you have consistently tried to downplay BSA's role and responsibility by referencing such as: the social norms of the times that the abuse occurred, BSA is better at CSA prevention than other organizations etc etc. Once again, your words are like that of a child, I hit Johnny because Joe hit Johnny so I can't be that bad.
  18. It was 2 BSA leaders who raped me. Not my parents, school, church, society or any other youth organization. They were recruited by the BSA, empowered with authority by the BSA and I was indoctrinated by the BSA to obey their leadership role. Why wouldn't someone like me and others who have gone thru similar circumstances call out the BSA? The BSA had a unique role in what happened to all of us.
  19. A letter released by a Louisiana BSA executive to the BSA's national personnel division revealed: "This subject and Scouts were not prosecuted to save the name of Scouting."[32][33] The files revealed cases of collusion between the BSA and the Justice System, as in a 1962 Johnston, PA, case[34] where a BSA leader pleaded guilty to "serious morals" violations involving Scouts. A local Scouting executive learned of the abuse from a member of the local executive board who served as both mayor and police chief. Newspapers failed to report the connection to the Scouts because, as the executive wrote to BSA national's personnel division in explanation, "No mention of Scouting was involved in the case in as much as two of the three judges who pronounced sentence are members of our Executive Board".[35] Among the files include a 1972 BSA executive writing "I would like to let this case drop ... One father has threatened legal action which could only injure the Boy Scouts of America. My personal opinion in this particular case is, 'If it don't stink, don't stir it.'"[36][37]
  20. Bankruptcy is not technically over. Still has to go thru the appeals process completely and depending on the Purdue ruling might be back to square one. At that point all of the state courts where the cases that have been filed will start moving forward and I ultimately believe if that happens BSA will cease to exist. PS Not sure which side has been beating the deans horse. You obviously choose to ignore any facts placed before you.
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