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    Baltimore, MD
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    Camping, citizenship, firearms, History
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    55 year old, 21 year Scouter. Been working in the IT industry since 1985 and a successful entrepreneur.

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  1. Krad, Sorry for you and your mother for what you experienced. What you described is the "same old story" simply told in a different way. The REAL story (question?) ultimately is... "How do you fix a broken unit?" Sadly, the correct answer is that you usually don't/can't and it's usually better to simply leave. As the saying goes, "People vote with their feet." If a unit or its leadership stinks, the unit will fold...as it should... until caring and committed people step up to rebuild and do it "right", but you don't want to be wasting your limited Scouting years being in the middle of all that muckedy-muck and drama. I've been in Scouting for 22+ years in a wide variety of roles from Cub Den leader, Cubmaster, most of the leadership roles in the Boy Scout troop& Committee, and even several positions within my District Committee and Unit Commissioner roles. COUNTLESS are the times people have tried to "fight City Hall" and FORCE a unit to "change", or be that annoying nag who sends 3 page-long emails that on one reads. Ultimately they end up leaving and going elsewhere. Rare are the cases where District Executives will come in, declare something is a gross violation of BSA Policy, and push the Charter Organization to change out the adult leadership (it does happen. My current troop did that in 2005 and I was part of the team that came in and rebuilt it into something great), but you simply can't count on people "of authority" having the courage & conviction to do right thing, especially when part of the District Executives compensation is measured by how many units are in operation. (Conflict of interest? You betcha, but it's the way of the world sometimes.) What you got was an EDUCATION on how to NOT run a troop and how NOT to treat people. I hope your move to another unit offered you the opportunity to focus on enjoying your limited Scouting years and getting what the Program was supposed to deliver for you.
  2. When I hear of boys, leaders, committee, etc that don't want to follow "the program", I have to question if they've ever really had "the program" explained to them. Wanting to 'change' a 110 year old program is an alarm that screams one or more (usually more) aspects of Scouting are absent from the unit. Scouting has never been a "baby sitting" program or the "Billy's weekend away from his kid sister" program. Scouting has always been a Character Development program. That means encouraging "youth leadership" whenever and wherever possible/practical, and when they're not good at it... then the role of the Scouter is DEVELOPING the skills not abandoning them or simply letting an adult "take over" because we know how to be more "efficient" or do a job "better". (That was Cub Scouting, not Boy Scouting) Scouting is where they TRY and it's OK to fail so long as they get up and TRY AGAIN. We shouldn't ever be in favor of "dumbing-down" the program for any reason. Boys without "responsibilities" grow up to be irresponsible boys. Boys given responsibilities, are inculcated to "do their best" and rise to the [steady] expectations of meeting those expectations, WILL rise meet the challenge and become "men" instead of another generational "man child". Now that I've pontificated my "spiritual view" of Scouting, I'd like to know WHAT EXACTLY they think needs to be changed. They (parents) don't want to raise RESPONSIBLE children?? Do they think their kids are "not smart enough" (trying to be nice in my wording) to actually do what is being asked of them? (I'd phrase my questions exactly like that and then stare at Mom & Dad until they dare to answer.) Hopefully the Adult Leadership team would regroup & refocus on WHAT and HOW this program is supposed to be delivered (and delivering!) and work to change the perception of the Scouting program and how it benefits the youth.
  3. Sorry, but before I identify as a Scouter, I first identify as an American... and anytime someone says they're going to "block" or "delete" or "censor" free speech, I say NO, and offer the warning that you don't "get it" when it comes to Free Speech. The proper response to "offensive" speech is MORE SPEECH, not less... especially in a forum specifically categorized as "politics" where there are deeply-held and fundamental beliefs. The "sanitizing" of opinions is not healthy, despite your good intentions.
  4. These stories infuriate me as we continue to "dumb-down" the requirements and/or have Scouters involved who are too willing to give away "achievements". There is NO WAY a Cooking MB can be earned in a single day. MB requirements are to be completed "as written"... which requires multiple meals to be done "at camp" and other multiple meals to be done while "on a trail hike". Even with "prerequisites" like First Aid done ahead of time, there is no way any Eagle-required badge can be done in a single day.
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