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Eagle1970 last won the day on February 20 2024

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  1. My favorite part of the oral argument was the statement referring to requiring survivors to pay back what they have received. Last I heard, only a few thousand had received anything. And my total "award" to date is far less than a single Social Security payment.
  2. So for you super educated legal eagles: If the case at hand is dismissed, relative to the 3rd party releases and whatever else may be, can another Chapter 11 be filed? Or does it force a liquidation? Or any other possible paths?
  3. After having my award reduced by 90% I don't have much to lose if it does fail. The administrator could have used a 75% reduction, as the state of my abuse is in the 10-25% SOL factor. But she chose 10% (90% reduction) and was inflexible upon reconsideration. But I am curious. What occurs with survivors if the plan is killed? Liquidation?
  4. Tried to PM you with relevant info that may be of help, but you are set to not receive messages.
  5. I listened to the town hall, last night. Or at least the first half. That was about all I could take. There is no money for release to victims beyond the 1.5% of the allowed amount, which is already paid. The Purdue case has thrown a wrench into the Appeal to the 3rd Circuit of the Bankruptcy Plan. The next step is briefs from both sides of the impact of the Supreme Court ruling on Purdue to the BSA plan. That has clearly slowed down the 3rd circuit. No estimate of when the 3rd circuit will decide on the SC ruling applicability and further no indication on when the 3rd circuit will resolve the BSA case. Then there is no indication on whether THAT will be appealed to the SC. The trustee congratulated the trust on getting so much done in under 1.5 years. However, WE have been waiting nearly 5 years. Just wondering how many will not outlive distribution or if the plan will even be permitted a path forward.
  6. No, you are a realist. Years ago, I was involved in a case in which a similar claim caused a hold in the release of funds. The larger law firms actually had to pay a 7-figure settlement to the objecting firm in order to get the process completed. Guess what? If you are not willing to pay a contingent fee, either represent yourself (good luck) or pay the hourly rate.
  7. I suspect that the claimants in open states will be much more pleased with their 60% than the pro se claimants in closed states, something I can personally speak to.
  8. I represented myself. It was a substantial undertaking. Years of filing forms, meeting deadlines, keeping educated and, oh yeah, filing an appeal. The attorneys will spend far more than $150 to get a case through the process. I've seen objectors clog up settlements before, causing long delays. Claimants knew about the 40%. In an open state, I would have been represented. However, in my pitiful state, there was not enough to pay an attorney 40% and come out with more than chump change. I'm sure that most represented claimants will be glad to have their 60%. I'm not a fan of this action and would not participate in it.
  9. The Trust is aware of the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma. The impact of that decision, if any, on the Boy Scouts’ plan of reorganization will be decided by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in the pending appeal from confirmation of that plan in due course. In the meantime, it is business as usual for the Scouting Settlement Trust. My team continues its work evaluating and determining the claims that have been submitted to it. Respectfully, Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.) Trustee Source Link: https://www.scoutingsettlementtrust.com/s/
  10. You can "request reconsideration" along with a check for $1000. If they deny "reconsideration", they simply keep the $1000. More abuse.
  11. I have received a determination. The claim was allowed. But the amount allowed was under 5% of the maximum for the bracket and just over 10% of the minimum. This is all due to legal technicalities of the state where I was abused. I probably will appeal but can see where it's headed. And I'm sure it will be years if I ever actually receive even that amount. Not surprised. If they only pay 10% of that amount based upon recovery, this will not even begin to have been worth it. Just wanted to update others that determinations have begun.
  12. Welcome Bzzy. You may have just joined, but you have covered enough in this post to have been here all along. Yes, so much of this is patently unfair. I did some significant research and found that the Matrix is clearly inequitable. In the state of my abuse, CSA cases are being allowed far past the SoL but are treated in the Matrix as discounted by 75-90%. Tolling of the long expired SoL's on the basis of concealment and fraud are moving right along in civil court, yet the drafters of the Trust slapped arbitrary limits by state. This has indeed pitted scout against scout and has left me with likely minimal compensation, while a scout in another state may receive far more for far lesser abuse. The harvesting of claims remains a huge concern and if they are not deeply investigated, that alone will result in substantial inequity. Your points regarding the aggregate dollars from insurance companies are also valid. But nothing in this Trust is worse than the outcome of a scout in one state receiving a theoretical $1 Million who suffered lesser abuse than a boy in another state who may receive a few thousand after greater abuse. And if claims proceed with little or no proof, that will make a mockery of the whole process. To me, the settlement is a mess.
  13. I opted for (what was then called) Indian Guides through the YMCA for my boys. There was not a moment at an event or meeting where we fathers were not there with our boys. As I recall, parental attendance was required for the child to participate in an activity. It was more family oriented and inclusive of the fathers (and mothers for Indian Princesses). I never observed anything that was out of line, because the fathers would have quickly taken care of any questionable situation. We did tons of activities with our boys but we did NOT do camping. And camping was not only the situation of my abuse, but sadly shared my many victims. Much of it could have been headed off by BSA, but wasn't. I do not favor ANY child camping activities for this reason. My opinion has been that BSA should not have continued with the isolated camping trips. And as evidenced by my prior post with the information on the spy cams in the bathrooms just last year at the camp I was abused at 50 years ago, there is plenty of reason for me to have that opinion, still. Good news that the Stay has been denied. I am hopeful that survivors can get on with the remaining years we may have, without the bankruptcy dragging on.
  14. Thanks for visiting us and I'm thrilled that you're happy. In my world, we call this trolling and I'm jumping on the hook. Survivors have been dealt a great injustice, once again. Just last night, our local news headline was the indictment of an adult abuser who, just last year, installed spy cams in the bathrooms of the VERY SAME BSA CAMP where I was molested 50 years ago. There are over a dozen new victims and hundreds who are unaware and worried that they may also have been victimized. I'm so proud to have refused to allow my children to be exposed to the potential of the abuse I suffered, which is still occurring to this day. I'm so proud to have found alternative adventures to lead them through. And I am so glad that my grandchildren have safer means to socialize and learn, without having to face exposure to what is clearly an ugly and unpredictable part of scouting. I realize you are young, but be aware you are posting in a group of men who were, in many cases, violently molested during BSA activities and are still being abused by the legal system. I'm sure there is a group for you within the the forum, where such feelings will be welcomed.
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