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  1. Okay guys, went to the BSA office today and turned in our charter and our popcorn money. Whew.........what a load off. Now I can take the time to start closing in on those parents who show an inkling of interest ;-) Thanks for all the help Abbey
  2. Hi again, Just wanted to let you know that my husband and I didn't become CC and CM by choice. No one else would do it. We tried asking for volunteers at pack meeting, personally one on one with other parents, begging, cajoling, pleading you name it we tried it. We have done this only so our pack wouldn't fold. Our last CC had a personal loss and couldn't continue with the position, no one else would step up. So when the pack was on the verge of folding, I volunteered, but I am still actively recruiting someone else for my position. Can't hand over the Blue and Gold to the Webelo leader because she was the same person who was the CC, and her parents won't help, so she's on the verge of quitting. Sorry guys just venting...I'm doing the best I can and if things don't happen, the parents have no one to blame but themselves, and my husband and I have finally found the courage to tell people that. So I guess you could say the pack is going through transition. I'm sticking with it because my boys enjoy scouting and so do my husband and I. Hopefully, we'll all all come out better people in the end. Thanks Again
  3. Thank you all for suggestions. Some I have tried and some I haven't. I've always had a problem saying no ,which is probably how I ended up coaching my 6 yr old's soccer team even though I knew nothing about soccer. But it turned out to be a rewarding and learning experience. Now with all of your encouragement I don't feel like throwing in the towel just yet. Thanks Again. Abbey
  4. Hello all...Frustrated volunteer here. While I'm not new to cub scouts (my oldest is a bear), I was recently volunteered to be Committee Chair. Our cubmaster moved on to Boy Scouts last year and took most of his commitee with him. My husband was volunteered to be the new cubmaster. While we are trying to do our best, we're still new at leading the pack. Our problem is getting volunteers for just about anything. I said I was committee chair but I'm actually jack of all trades, in addition to the CC, I'm my oldest son's asst. den leader, my youngest son's tiger adult leader, and also had to do our popcorn fundraiser recently. We have through perservance gotten two new den leaders, and are lucky enough to have on our committee a mom whose older son just made Eagle Scout, so one of us knows what we're doing!! Our problem is the majority of our pack's parents seem to think we can do it all even though we've told them that we can't, over and over again. Still no volunteers. Blue and Gold is coming up and I'm panicking at the thought of planning it all myself. How in the world do you guys with cooperative parents get them to help out? I'm on the verge of burnout and have only being doing it since September. Please help!!!! Thanks.
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