Hi again,
Just wanted to let you know that my husband and I didn't become CC and CM by choice. No one else would do it. We tried asking for volunteers at pack meeting, personally one on one with other parents, begging, cajoling, pleading you name it we tried it. We have done this only so our pack wouldn't fold. Our last CC had a personal loss and couldn't continue with the position, no one else would step up. So when the pack was on the verge of folding, I volunteered, but I am still actively recruiting someone else for my position. Can't hand over the Blue and Gold to the Webelo leader because she was the same person who was the CC, and her parents won't help, so she's on the verge of quitting. Sorry guys just venting...I'm doing the best I can and if things don't happen, the parents have no one to blame but themselves, and my husband and I have finally found the courage to tell people that. So I guess you could say the pack is going through transition. I'm sticking with it because my boys enjoy scouting and so do my husband and I. Hopefully, we'll all all come out better people in the end.
Thanks Again