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    Troop Advancement Chair
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    horses, reading, gardening, and of course scouting!

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  1. We went Troopmaster to Internet Advancement which then went to Scoutbook. But our Troopmaster is not interfacing with Internet Advancement 2.0
  2. The last court of honor was in March. I didn't have this problem I had the report in a few hours. Could be the size.
  3. Usually this is what happens but this happens to be for 7 scouts. Thank you all for your suggestions, sources of information and insight. I really appreciate and I think I have enough information now.
  4. Yes your suggestion is more manageable. However this type of service has never been given to scouts in our troop. We just had an Eagle COH in the fall, scouts serving in specific rolls could ask why didn't they get service hours. Its just opening a can of worms.
  5. This is an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for 7 scouts who have already gone to college since they received their Eagle Scout designation last winter/early spring when everything was shut down.
  6. I am overall overseeing the process and helping out with some specifics. Usually we tag on an Eagle Court of Honor after a regular Court of Honor. We usually don't have a problem with attendance. The SPL I agree can help with this. I have been in scouting now 20 years. All the troops I have been in with my two sons, the Eagle Court of Honor was usually organized by the parent(s) with guidance from the scout leadership.
  7. Yes thank you that is the best way although our committee meetings are over Zoom still which makes this difficult as things get lost in translation when looking at people's faces. I feel I need to have a sit down at the next meeting with the committee chair.
  8. I don't think attending the Court of Honor is a problem. I don't think the mother in charge is having difficulty finding scouts in specific ranks to attend. We have many Life scouts giving lots of opportunities for younger scouts to help at their Eagle project workdays. Most projects have opportunities for younger scouts to help out. We also do other service as well for our Charter organization as well as the community.
  9. He has done Outdoor leader training and scoutmaster training. Recently he also attended Wood Badge. He has just become the scoutmaster last April, '20. Before that maybe two years as an asst. scoutmaster.
  10. Yes @Eagle94-A1 that is the dilemma and I believe that is the source he is using. However the district advancement chair says it doesn't fall in the realm of service as well. And then of course everything needs to be fair so scouts would want to know why they didn't get service hours for COH of any kind that they participated in.
  11. Its not for the Eagle candidates......its for the Scouts that are Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle participating in the Eagle ceremony lighting the candle that represents their rank as well as scouts helping at the sign-in, opening /closing flag ceremony etc....
  12. So the scoutmaster says he found through research that he can decide if an event should be considered for service as a scoutmaster. This is an Eagle Scout Ceremony for scouts in our troop. I'm not understanding why they should be bribed to volunteer to help out if first they are asked and second they are doing a good turn by participating and how do you count the time spent. Secondly, our district advancement says "Service cannot be for the benefit of the Scouting Organization. Defeats the purpose of “Service”. " So if you are saying "It is troop/unit service" that it be documented as such?
  13. To me this would be service benefiting the troop directly so that would not count. But if so I need direct verbage so he understands and I can't find it in the Guide to Advancement under section Thank you
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