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Everything posted by MYCVAStory

  1. I believe the point that the TCC was making was for all victims to understand that the bankruptcy process is a "business" process. As such, and the way that bankruptcy works, is that you need to generate the maximum amount of leverage. One way this is accomplished is for victims to exercise, when able, their legal rights to sue responsible parties. This often gets parties to the table when they realize it isn't someone else's problem, it's theirs. As well, it's important for victims to understand that just because they have filed a bankruptcy proof of claim it doesn't mean they have taken individual action against a party. In their interest the TCC was reminding victims to use their legal rights to their fullest ability.
  2. In case anyone is interested, the TCC, in preparation for tonight's Town Hall, just posted its summary of sexual abuse claims. From TCCBSA.COM : http://www.pszjlaw.com/assets/htmldocuments/BSA Summary of Sexual Abuse Claims.pdf This helps lend context to much and also the view of the effectiveness of YPT. Please remember that it often takes decades for victims to come forward and declining numbers are not necessarily an indication of effectiveness, but rather the reality of men not prepared to address their abuse at a young age.
  3. My understanding is that this Town Hall Meeting will focus upon the plan, claims data, and the TCCs view.
  4. A friendly reminder regarding the TCC Town Hall meeting tonight: NOTICE OF VIRTUAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS HOSTED BY THE OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF BOY SCOUT ABUSE SURVIVORS The next TCC Town Hall will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 5pm PST/8pm EST. No registration is required. Town Hall Zoom link
  5. A friendly reminder since the subject of Youth Protection may come up tonight: NOTICE OF VIRTUAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS HOSTED BY THE OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF BOY SCOUT ABUSE SURVIVORS The next TCC Town Hall will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 5pm PST/8pm EST. No registration is required. Town Hall Zoom link
  6. Grooming is real and established behavior of sexual predators. A simple Google search will yield a wealth of consistent information. Here's a thumbnail example: https://www.rainn.org/news/grooming-know-warning-signs Speak with victims and you will find that the established grooming behaviors are real. In fact, victims realizing that the way they were unknowingly "groomed" was not unique to them and not their fault can be a very important step in dealing with the trauma they have suffered. For those wanting a deeper dive, Google Scholar includes a wealth of empirical research.: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C47&q=grooming+sexual+abuse&btnG=
  7. One of the realities of the current bankruptcy process is that the parties, including the Official Committee of Boy Scout Abuse Survivors (TCC), are proceeding under the rules of mediation confidentiality. This limits what can be shared. So, it's important to get information when it's shared directly from the TCC. The next opportunity is Thursday 3/11 at 8:00 EST during the monthly town hall meeting. From the TCC's website TCCBSA.COM NOTICE OF VIRTUAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS HOSTED BY THE OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF BOY SCOUT ABUSE SURVIVORS The next TCC Town Hall will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 5pm PST/8pm EST. No registration is required. Town Hall Zoom link
  8. For those who would like to hear the Tort Claimants Committee's response, directly, to the BSA plan you may watch the TCC's March Town Hall on the 11th at 8PM EST. The link will be posted at the TCC's website www.tccbsa.com soon. The notice of the meeting as filed earlier today is attached. BSA - 2304 - Notice of March Virtual Town Hall Meeting.pdf
  9. Please note that one of the victims in the USAToday story, Gill Gayle, is NOT a member of the Official Tort Claimants Committee. This was an error by USAToday.
  10. Allow me to provide the statement from the Official Tort Claimants Committee to the BSA proposed reorganization plan. The Official Tort Claimants Committee (the “TCC”), appointed by the Office of the United States Trustee and the official representative of all sexual abuse survivors in the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy case, opposes the Boy Scouts of America’s (“BSA”) chapter 11 plan filed today in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. Under the plan, BSA seeks a release for itself and its 253 local councils for the sexual abuse of more than 85,000 individuals from 1930s through 2019. As a fiduciary to all sexual abuse survivors, the TCC has thoroughly investigated the assets and liabilities of the BSA and its local councils and concluded that the BSA’s reorganization plan woefully fails to adequately compensate sexual abuse survivors or provide any enhanced systematic protections for future generations of Scouts. John Humphrey, the TCC chairman stated, “This plan reflects BSA’s ‘business as usual’ attitude to abuse survivors and does nothing to make Scouting safer.” “The plan contemplates BSA will fund a trust of approximately $220 million including illiquid property for 85,000 known abuse survivors, in addition to an assignment of insurance policies. Mr. Humphrey observed that BSA’s contribution and the Local Councils’ contemplated property and cash contribution averages a mere $6100 per survivor. “The BSA and its local councils are not making the effort necessary to provide a modicum of compensation to men and women whose lives were changed forever by BSA’s and the Local Councils’ failure to protect them as children. Instead, BSA and the Local Councils are putting the onus on survivors to fight with the insurance companies and walking away from their legal and moral duty to these men. The plan violates every word and the spirit of the Boy Scout oath that each of us took as kids.” The plan seeks to force abuse survivors to release the Boy Scouts Local Councils even though not a single local council has filed its own bankruptcy. Throughout the BSA bankruptcy case, the TCC, as a fiduciary for all abuse survivors, has sought complete disclosure of the local councils’ assets and liabilities to ensure they provide, as they must, adequate compensation in exchange for release of the sexual abuse they are trying to avoid. “Getting information from the local councils has been an uphill fight” observed Douglas Kennedy, co-chair of the TCC, adding “they want to force us to release the local councils but have not provided the financial transparency that is necessary for survivors to make an informed decision on whether to release the local councils where the majority of the abuse occurred.” The plan makes no systematic changes to the Scouting program to better protect children. Humphrey said, “BSA claims to have the best child protection program in the country. That arrogance is belied by the thousands of claims filed in the bankruptcy since the inception of this so-called platinum standard program. The protection of children seems to be an after-thought in a plan that tries to get BSA and its councils off the hook for minimal compensation to abuse survivors.” The Official Tort Claimants Committee consists of 9 abuse survivors from all parts of the country and whose members range in age from their early 30s to mid-70s and reflect broad range of ethnicities and occupations. The TCC was appointed by the Office of the United States Trustee and is the fiduciary representative in the BSA bankruptcy case of all abuse survivors.
  11. Bankruptcy "Town Hall" scheduled for Thursday February 11 at 8PM EST. The Tort Claimants Committee, the Official committee appointed by the US Department of Justice, comprised of nine victims of sexual abuse as scouts will be holding its second "Town Hall" to provide an update of its work and the status of the BSA Bankruptcy. This will include the bankruptcy professionals serving the TCC and is is intended to assist all victims. The link for this meeting, the recording and transcript of the January meeting, and future information will be updated at TCCBSA.COM when available. Please share.
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