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    Central FL
  • Occupation
    Home Depot
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    Retired Military, 25 year scouting veteran

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  1. As a Commissioner - one of the more frequent questions I get is "Can a Cub Scout go camping without an adult family member present?" Lions and Tigers - NO!! Webelos and AOL - Yes Bears and Wolves is where it gets tricky... The following is an excerpt from the Guide to Safe Scouting. ALL of these conditions must be met for a Wolf/Bear to camp with the pack without an adult family member: "In special circumstances, a Cub Scout whose parent or legal guardian is not able to attend an overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of another registered adult member of the BSA who is a parent of a Cub Scout who is also attending. The unit leader and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. At no time may another adult accept responsibility for more than one additional “non-family member” youth." Obviously - the lone cub cannot share sleeping accommodations with any adult... Hope that helps!!!
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