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Everything posted by LoriT

  1. Hi! I found your post because we are in a similar situation. My daughter is going for her Eagle Award and just needs to complete this badge - one of my favorites. I am a MBC but not for this badge. Have you gotten any other responses on any other research? My daughter spoke to our Emergency Management team where we live and asked about any virtual drills they were doing. They sited Federal mandates postponing everything (incl online?) but did say that they are still doing individual training. After her brief talk with us, the state Emergency worker contacted others on the team and read our badge requirements, she said they did lots of searches for us and found Virtual Drills around the country that a scout could review. The people on our area's team felt this should be a great way of viewing a drill while under COVid restrictions. I'd like to get an ok from higher powers that be in scouting but this sounds like a great learning experience and wholly needed and appropriate during COVid. They also added that often drills are done virtually. Hope this helps... Best of luck!
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