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Everything posted by ThenNow

  1. Because I’m me, I must call attention to this beautiful ‘typing too fast’ moment. “The Stang.” OMG I LOVE that!! Done. Write it in stone. The Fonz. The King. The Rock. The Stang.
  2. I’ve tried to perish the thought, but if this is indeed cataclysmic doesn’t it rather aid insurers in their coverage defense arguments, in or out of the bankruptcy? Not my mud puddle, so just wondering out loud in the dark.
  3. I’ve tried to perish the thought, but if this is indeed cataclysmic doesn’t it rather aid insurers in their coverage defense arguments? Not my mud puddle, so just wondering out loud in the dark.
  4. Imitation is the sincerest form, etc. However, my oldest son does not subscribe.He says, “Imitation is the sincerest representation of an utter lack of originality.” This was born when his cousin showed up at event wearing the same pair of Cole Haan wingtips my son wears.
  5. I love a nice squashed motif almost as much as mushy peas with fisn-n-chips. Delish.
  6. He’s just reading your posts and reposting. Thank the Lord I’m almost done drafting my complaint. I’m looking forward to adding some juicy tidbits from Mystery Joe’s presser. Boy howdy.
  7. I emailed in February 2021 and got the "no longer employed" bounce-back. This just keeps getting better and better. What time are you guys signing off? I might make a pot of coffee and hang around a while.
  8. Huh. This is all very innerestin. I guess I’ll have to cancel my afternoon Hardy Boys book club and tea party. Another, “huh.” Mr. Mazzuca was the gent I wrote in 2008 naming my abuser, noting a small portion of my abuse and advising him that my SM had abused others. He never responded nor did he/they put my abuser on “the list.” I’m now thinkin he was busy interviewing Youth Protection director candidates. PS - Because of the way my brain operates in vignettes and sketches, I am picturing the conference rooms and Zoom calls among the BSA players, Coalition cohort and the hedge fund collection posse. I only wish I could watch or at least listen in. Wee...
  9. Is this a true deep dive analysis of each claim, read and reviewed with fresh eyes, or will they be using the already mined and compiled data?
  10. I’m not sure if this was mentioned here, but during the last TCC town hall Jim Stang noted they had, “put eyes on” each and every POC. If anyone has the most in-depth and thorough understanding of AND appreciation for what they reveal, it’s the TCC and their professional team. It is one more very important reason they and other survivors MUST be involved in YPT advancements going forward with a high measure of certainty (accountability) they are not relegated to an also ran footnote. Absent that, this will end up being nothing more than an sterile accounting exercise. I say that knowing true recompense is quite unlikely at this point. Trying to be realistic while remaining tenacious and hopeful. Well, at least tenacious…
  11. Knowing my situation and involvement in the case, my baby sister asked good friends of hers about YPT and the case, etc. This family is the type you described. No sooner had she asked made a brief intro of the topic and got out here questions and *slam* went the door. They more or less put an index finger in each ear - the respective fingers belonged to the party into whose ears they were inserted - and started chanting, “La. La. La. I can’t HEAR you!! La. La. La...” My sister was shocked.
  12. Right. I was saying “age” as in typical ranges. I realize late bloomers, like me, had a prolonged period in my abusers target zone and thus change the “age” spectrum. I just didn’t want anyone assuming a single category was solely applicable to our abuse claims or misconstruing the previous post. Thanks for listing the details. At least I wasn’t wrong wrong.
  13. I believe the term/categorization is based on age of victim/fixation, yes? Three distinct categories, pedophile being the second age range. I may be wrong.
  14. I’m not faulting anyone. I just report the news.
  15. I’ve been asking my friends with kids (or close friends) in Scouts and to a person none of them is talking about it and mostly don’t want to hear anything. This is the parent side, mind you. I recently spoke with a good friend with a young son who’s actively involved. She hadn’t told me that before, even though she knows I am “working on the case.” When she found out “working on the case” meant I was a claimant, her tack and level of interest changed 180 degrees. She started asking me all manner of questions, knew pretty much nothing about YPT and not a single thing about the case, other than “Everything is great...keep rock-n and roll-n with your Troop!” She’s now going back to speak with leaders at all levels to find out why they have told her (and others) anything about this. I told her about those few recent cases we’ve discussed her and she said, “Okay. I’m going to be going on the camp out with my son and interview all the leaders.” She’s not a woman to be trifled with. Interesting field research, at least I find it so.
  16. Confession: I’ve never had it. It just went with my “proof of the pudding” and dark prose of the moment. For those who didn’t know what it is, I knew it would be very dramatic. I’m thinking I will really like it because I love all manner of sausage. I’m Austrian and Irish so it’s in my blood.
  17. @CynicalScouter If this was not a Scout forum I would be saying very un-Courteous and un-Kind things to you. Anytime someone defends the BSA you take it to you do not want to compensate them at all or you wish to deny them of council. Quit making up garbage! This is the sword play I was referring to, CS. I don’t think it’s benefiting the people you are defending or concerned about here. I have to agree it seems to have gotten emotional and reactionary, missing the forest for the trees. You seem to have a hair trigger lately and I don’t think it’s representative of your intellect and ability to remain balanced in the discourse. This is my thinking, anyway.
  18. I’m sorry, and I respect you, but why do we have to say things like that? I, for one, have had this duel for many pages back in the day. It is not fair to create that juxtaposition and say “all this good outweighs this little bit of bad.” It is not a reasonable, moral, ethical or compassionate calculus. Please don’t do that. I can tell you from this one victim, it feels very demeaning and invalidating. It just does.
  19. Exactly. That’s very powerful and what an example. I know I can fall prey to my own smart mouth, but I did and do mean that sincerely. If the Doug Kennedy of today had appeared in June of 1972 to talk with the soon to be 11 year old me a month out from my his first Summer Camp, what an incalculable difference that could have made in my life. I don’t dare even think about it.
  20. Let us come and talk to them and their parents about our Scouting “experience” and see how they react. I’ve been told that we, together, comprise the victim class in this case. Maybe we should meet. I wonder how that would go. For those who “know” me in the virtual sense, I value the valuable and despise the despicable of my years in Scouting. I wish no one harm and certainly not that which befell me and my fellows.
  21. As brother John has been saying, what wears me out is the lack of offering solutions or stating what you think is not happening, should happen or lending honest assessments of what we deserve, in context. Some do. Others throw grenades and run off. I don’t think much of this sword play is getting a great accomplished at this point. I think we get pent up waiting for the next plot pivot. My above post is what I think should have been done from the jump. It wasn’t. It won’t. I don’t expect it. It made me said as soon as it was clear that it would be the course of action and inaction. That is why we are where we are in this case. There are battle lines. I think the insurance companies delight at the infighting, which gives them additional delay and strategy time. If someone comes to you and says, “Hey. I didn’t do right by you. I really want to make this ‘right’ (as much as possible). I just ask that you don’t obliterate me and give me provisions so I can do what we both likely agree is important work.” You do not then expect them to quickly drop back, build bunkers and start shelling you. Say what you want, I just don’t see the proof in the pudding. I’m not eating it. I’ve never cared for blood pudding. Is there a path for equitable compensation? Not without a tremendous fight and not if this Plan passes.
  22. I am also a Tier One claimant with multiple aggravating factors. As far as I can tell, the only variable that remains unknown is whether 5+ or 10+ claims implicate my SM/abuser. I tick all the other boxes. Then, I am technically in a Gray 3 state, but have a strong case around the time-bar defense. Whatever. What is my abuse and the implosion it caused worth. Dunno. According to the Claim Matrix, $2.7M or a tad less due to the one unknown. My deep discontent and vexation is twofold: 1. I do not feel like BSA, especially LCs, are being forthright about their assets. If both BSA and the LCs were truly - and I mean deeply and sincerely - committed to equitably compensate BSA child sexual abuse victim claimants, they would be in lock step with the TCC as much as humanly possible. I don’t think that’s happening because it is not the primary mission of this case nor has it ever been. My opinion. Emergence is paramount. Transparency and collaboration clearly are not. My LC has $33M in assets (per the BSA and not BRG) and is contributing under 3. The contribution is a clean scoop from the investments. Why is it honorable to do anything other than a true mea culpa and how can we make this as “right” as we can; and 2. This is a corollary to number one, but I see it as distinct. Again, if the deep commitment were there, BSA and LCs and all the insureds would be fighting the insurance companies side by side with the victims and TCC. They are, after all, the policy holders. Ditching the 40 whatever pages of policies to the Trustee, telling us have fun with your multi-year death dance with the insurance companies is a chicken poop move. Stand with us and fight. You and WE paid for those policies. Pursue maximum coverage for US. Aren’t we what you say you’re all about? Leaders in my day would call us “My/their Scouts.” What are we now? The actions speak so much louder than the words I’m about deaf from watching this theater of the tragic and the absurd. If your child is injured and you hold the policy do you tell the lawyer the policy and agent information and let them go into court and settlement discussions without involvement? Strike that. More to the point, do you give your son the information and tell him, “Go figure this out, son. I need to get back to work and help some other kids, because I’m REALLY, REALLY good at it...now.” Of course not, unless you’re a complete deadbeat absentee parent willing to put your child at further risk of injury. Is this not plain as day? I don’t get it.
  23. I guess I missed the link to this. Help, bitte?
  24. No: 1. There is no jury pool to influence or infect; 2. The gag would have to be universal, as all main players discuss elements of the case outside the courtroom and you don’t direct an order at one party; and 3. Tim Kosnoff is doing absolutely nothing that the BSA, Coalition, LCs and insurers aren’t already doing in spades. Namely, those parties are way down the line in speculating on the case and manipulating “facts” trying to move the needle in the direction of their respective positions. Schiavoni says Century will be bled dry. Anker says he welcomes going back to state court. (Really?) BSA says they’re out of money and these are all the assets we have. (BRG Dashboards, anyone?) LCs are going under. (What’s the average percentage of assets contribution, again?) The Coalition says they’re part of the TCC, Jim Stang is a liar, the TCC has no plan to assist victim claimants and they refuse to make deals where deals can be made. It’s a mess and those parties have cleared the path. Also, I think TK is saying what he believes and is acting in the best interests of his clients, per his perception.
  25. Confirmed. His crew will not be the only survivor claimant voices heard and stories published, for the record.
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