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  1. Thanks to MattR and malraux! Yes, it is nights of camping and I think you are correct the way it reads that it would be a total of 125 for the silver device ... the first 25 for the patch and then the additional 100 earns the silver. malraux - I also think of the other NOAA when I see it.
  2. Looking for clarity on the silver device for the NOAA - Camping award. It says it is for an "additional 100 nights of camping". Does that mean once a scout reaches 125 hours of camping he/she has earned the silver device? Or is the 100 hours in addition to the hours needed to earn the gold devices? TIA
  3. We use Scoutbook for tracking advancement and awards, and some communications, etc. we use A Shutterfly shared site for the troop calendar, event sign-ups, communications, photos. Our issue is Shutterfly is becoming less reliable and more buggy and we would like a solution that can do everything we need.
  4. Our troop is considering moving to this application for all or most of our needs: www.troopwebhost.com . Anyone have experience with this and can offer pros/cons to using it? Also if you do use it, does it interface with Scoutbook or replace it?
  5. Thank you. I find your comment about the Soil & Water Conservation MB to be spot on. One of the districts near us puts on an annual MB event and a couple of years ago I found this MB at that event. I noticed they are offering it again this year. It is a difficult one to get, so we felt lucky to find it because as you pointed out, finding a MB Counselor for it is almost impossible.
  6. Thank you for your reply and information! This is great to know.
  7. Asking for an Eagle Scout if their hours worked on their own Eagle project also may count to other awards, and in this particular case, the National Outdoor Achievement Award - Conservation Emblem. Assuming his project was conservation related, is there a problem with his hours counting toward this award? Or should all his work on his Eagle project not be used for any other scouting awards?
  8. satl8 we are going the week of July 14th and are super excited!
  9. Anyone been on a Philmont Cavalcade trek and have any advice for our crew?
  10. Back specifically to the topic of the Sailing HA's run out of Sea Base, any recommendations on which one to do? Key West, Bahamas or St. Thomas? Any pros/cons we should consider while deciding among them? Thanks to everyone!
  11. We have a group looking at the different sailing high adventures out of Sea Base. No one from our troop has gone on one of these, so I was hoping to get some feedback from anyone else's experiences? One thing we are wondering is which is better, the Sea Base Bahamas adventure or the Key West sailing adventure?
  12. Hi everyone. I just wanted to thank for the guidance you gave me on my question. This was all extremely helpful to me and our troop.
  13. Thanks that is actually very useful. What I am more interested in is how does the troop handle finances as far as holding participants who sign up responsible or the costs? In the past our troop has had a few who sign up to attend Philmont or another high adventure and then they pull out after the troop and the crews are fully committed. We have no policy or process in place to deal with this currently. The crew is usually left holding the bag trying to recruit replacements to offset the costs.
  14. I was wondering if anyone has experience within their troops for an effective policy regarding financial responsibility for high adventure camps. Currently we do not have anything considered a "policy" around this and we would like to get more structured going forward. Thanks for any advice or examples that could be helpful.
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