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  1. Thanks so much! And oh my goodness! I wish I knew who it was. I mean the peope i knew all wrote statements so I dont who turned us in. We are new to this area so dont really have enemies, not that we did where we live before you know what I mean. But yeah... apparently someone isnt happy with us🤷‍♀️
  2. Hopefully one day it will. Right now its just embarrassing and ridiculous. Thanks so much for the support and assurance.
  3. Well for whatever reasons i dont understand they thought i got abused at that moment and instead of the police they called cps who in turn checked on my children. Who were no where involved. I dont get it.
  4. Thank you so much! I will definitely let you know. I appreciate the feedback. I have been involved in scouts my whole life, when i was younger i was a girl scout, teens i was a explorer with bsa, and since then Ive had my nephew i raised and now my kids in it. Im at the point I can do more and hate that it might get ruined because someone misinterpreted something. I appreciate the support
  5. Thanks for the welcome and thanks so much for the replies. I didn't even know who Id have to talk exactly so that is super helpful! I definitely would rather be up front and honest with everyone, i know it was nothing but a mistake but still... i dont know how it shows up or if it shows up and I dont want the label. I love being a den leader in scouts and am looking forward to cub master, so I hope its all good. Such a crazy thing to happen i just cant quite fathom it still. Thank you again, I truly appreciate it
  6. so i have a question.... im supposed to take on cubmaster in December and idk if i can now. I was with my husband out at an event in town and we were messing around, he said something and I put my hand up and tripped as he reacted to me putting my hand up and resulted in him hitting me in the face.... total random accident... except someone at the event reported it as domestic violence and now cps showed up at my house. I have 20 witnesses, some I know and some I dont but who wrote statements for me saying it wasnt and the case is unfounded, obviously. BUT can I be a cub master now? Im freaking out and embarrassed beyond belief but need to know if i have to pass up cub master now? Its unfounded but idk if that matters on a backround check or if it shows up even. Ive never had to deal with cps or the police or anything. Any ideas on this!?
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