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Everything posted by thebigJLT3546

  1. I agree with you on a certain level. The troop is very much boy led. I eagled from this troop 1.5 years ago. The boys work hard year round and plan lots of events and do well. Last year's camp the scouts had no input or part of planning process. This gives them a break form planning and puts the stress on the adults and older scouts who choose to help plan just as it would when going to a regular scout camp. The PLC will have the same regular duties as they would at a regular scout camp. I have decided that they will choose a handful of merit badges they are interested in earning and we as adults will do our best to put together a schedule. The menu will be planned by adults and cooked by adults with the exception of one meal which will be the patrol cook off. I appreciate your response. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply
  2. Last year we hosted our first long term camp over winter break. The program was developed by one of the committee members and she did an amazing job, but with it being our first there are several things I plan on improving on now that I’ve been tasked with planning the show. I will be delegating several of the tasks like food planning and transportation arrangement. I’m still working on choosing the location and I have it down to about three state parks near by. I’d like to hear some of the ideas y’all have from past camps to add to my program. Some ideas I have now are: Merit badges, trail to eagle first year program, a service project for the camp, a movie night, patrol cook off, and troop game night. I’ve been thinking that taking one day of Mb and doing a troop wide training on first aid even for those that have the merit badge already just as a fun refresher. What are some things you have done on longer camps that your scouts have loved?
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