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  • Gender
  • Location
    Blue Springs, MO (Kansa City area)
  • Occupation
    Ski instructor, lifeguard
  • Interests
    Camping, cooking, winter sports
  • Biography
    Scoutmaster of a girls troop.

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  1. When I want to know is what was the best way you found girls. I know friends are best, but any ideas on reaching girls who are not connected to scouts in any way.
  2. When I googled what are employers looking for this is what I found. What are employers looking for Communication skills Honesty Loyalty Dependability Teamwork Flexibility Self-reliance Eagerness to learn Confidence Work ethic Determination Problem-solving skills Positivity Ambition This sure sounds like what a youth gets out of Scouts to me. These days many kids have low self esteem so my thought is to use the tag line, "What makes you stand out?" Getting them to think standing out is not being the star athlete, first in your class academically, etc. but it can be helpful, loyal, flexible, dependable etc.
  3. I agree 100% that Scouts are the best recruiters. However, these girls need a little help getting started. I also agree there needs to be separate stuff for youth and adults. I just can’t help but feel in the 100+ years of scouting this hasn’t already been done.
  4. I have gone to the people in the know and all I get referred to is nice photos of girls having fun as Scouts. That is great, but I’m looking for the why. By that I mean why should a girl or boy for that matter join Scouts BSA. There are so many activities for kids these days and for so many Scouts seems old fashion what will put Scouts ahead of other activities. I believe there are reasons, but I don’t want to have to reinvent the wheel if I don’t have to.
  5. Other than photos of girls doing fun stuff I can’t find anything
  6. Does anyone have any ideas or materials targeting new female BSA Scouts?
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