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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. I just want to repeat and reiterate what was stated here and what I posted; if (and I mean IF) the harassment you are describing is accurate it reaches the point of a YP violation. If you are a registered adult leader, you are obligated to report it up to the Scout Executive.
  2. No one is denying that there were abuse victims. National in its filings admitted it failed these scouts. That is not "rigged". National screwed up, therefore National via its assets will pay. What is being debated now is a) how much to settle claims and b) to what extent are Councils and COs on the hook.
  3. Works on contingency. No money for victims, no money for him.
  4. I know of at least one lawyer that has said the goals are a) money for the victims and b) disbanding Scouting.
  5. BSA isn't looking to get the COs in. The lawyers for the claimants/abuse victims want them in because (I suspect) they are realizing that the combined assets of National + Councils = not much when divided up among tens of thousands of claimants. So, you go for where the next set of assets/deep(er) pockets are. The COs.
  6. If things are so "bad" that the lawyers are now targeting not just 200+ Councils but potential thousands (if not tens of thousands) of COs, there may not be much to go around even for them. And keep in mind: lawyers like this work on contingency. They lose, and they get $0. The entities get liquidated and there's no assets, they get $0.
  7. My district has 1 unit (92 or so) years that could, might be. But the trick is this: even if the unit/troop/pack/whatever went defunct DECADES ago, the CO may still be on the hook.
  8. Just because they are asking for CO and roster lists going back to time immemorial does not mean they'll get them. The fact that they are asking, however, certainly seems to indicate that any hope for wrapping this up by Spring 2021 is fading. EDIT: Only reason you want the CO lists at this point is that now that the financial statements from Councils have been filed and that the High Adventure properties are being appraised or have been appraised, it is starting to sink in that even with total liquidation there won't be anywhere need the $1.5 billion number that was tossed around. And with tens of thousands of claims being filed, that means no one gets much of anything. So off to find more assets they go. And that means COs
  9. What do you mean by "harsh treatment"? If is approaches harassment, hazing, or discipline that exceeds what is allowed under Youth Protection Training then you need to contact your Scout Executive immediately.
  10. I don't see how depriving councils of funding is "excellent" unless (as I believe is your position?) all councils and the entirety of Boy Scouts of America should be disbanded which I very much disagree with. In the meantime, units that are within Boy Scouts of America and that wish to remain so should a) obey the rules while b) advocating for rules changes they want. Openly and knowingly disregarding BSA rules is no way to demonstrate adult leadership.
  11. Lots of folks assume that if you are not "soliciting" for money you are OK. That's not what the rules state. You also may NOT solicit "gifts" or "contributions" for your units either. Bold in original. This can't be any clearer.
  12. You may not solicit "money", "contributions", or "gifts". Goods are either "contributions" or "gifts". All fundraising, and I mean ALL fundraising, has to be Council approved. Popcorn is, by definition, Council approved. Popcorn is also, by definition, not solicitation. It is the sale of a good/product. All else needs to be Council approved to ensure compliance with "the Charter and Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the BSA." The Charter, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations (these are 3 separate documents) ALL prohibit solicitation of "money", "contributions", or "gifts" except by a) National and b) Council. Except that yeah, you are soliciting for "contributions" and/or "gifts". So, rules violation.
  13. Filled by volunteer. I very much get the impression that many (most?) people in this forum won't be happy if any scout executives receive a cent in compensation.
  14. Of course, the above data does not indicate what these people should make. I understand there are people here who believe that these execs should make $0, but that's not realistic.
  15. So, I decided to take a look at this. We don't have National's IRS 990 forms for 2019 year; they have until May 15, but almost every group I've ever known always files for the automatic 6-month extension, so I don't think anything of it. We do have for 2018, which were filed in October 2019 (again, 6 month automatic extension). IRS Form 990 (Tax Year 2018) Part VII Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors (A) Name and Title (D) Reportable compensation from the organization (W-2/1099-MISC). (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations (D) + (F) TOP 16 EXECUTIVES TOTAL 5,766,148 3,466,893 9,233,041 Michael B Surbaugh Chief Scout Executive and President 793,824 206,878 1,000,702 Michael A Ashline Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 445,111 141,575 586,686 P McGowan General Counsel and Secretary 394,368 118,673 513,041 John Green Group Director - Outdoor Adventures 471,671 646,612 1,118,283 Mark Logemann ACSE, National Dir Support Services 313,249 295,226 608,475 Al Lambert ACSE, Dir Outdoor Adventures 349,433 232,038 581,471 Patrick Sterrett ACSE, Nall Dir Field Service 387,012 177,445 564,457 Brad Farmer ACSE, Development 349,140 175,450 524,590 Todd McGregor Group Director - Summit 231,916 200,703 432,619 Mark Winkelman Group Director - Supply 280,342 145,828 426,170 Vijay Challa Group Director - Chief Information Officer 257,406 56,698 314,104 Ron Oats Regional Director 372,417 211,699 584,116 Frederick Wallace Regional Director 298,993 283,028 582,021 Lisa Young Group Director - Human Resources 264,054 225,244 489,298 John Mosby Regional Director 292,314 193,521 485,835 Steve Medlicott Group Director - Marketing 264,898 156,275 421,173
  16. They can sell the properties and the U.S. Code allows for that. The NAME however can NOT be sold and is the exclusive control of Boy Scouts of America.
  17. Except as previously noted over and over (and over) Boy Scouts of America is NOT like GM LLC and is restricted in terms of what it can and cannot do, what it can and cannot transfer, and what it can and cannot liquidate. And The statute itself declares the corporate entity called Boy Scouts of America "perpetual existence". A bankruptcy judge would have to somehow find that statute void.
  18. There is 0% chance a bankruptcy judge and/or the attorneys for the claimants are going to just let Boy Scouts of America, currently under active/pending bankruptcy petition and settlement talks, transfer or sell ANY assets to some other entity.
  19. Scenario 1 is not going to help lawsuits since the lawsuits will go after the original councils and national and their successors. The only way to ensure no more liability is for the bankruptcy and global settlement to cover National, the Councils, and their successors. Moreover, as previously noted, the Congressional Charter grants National and National alone the right to the IP. You'd have to change the statute. Scenario 2 is more plausible from a legal perspective (Boy Scouts of America becomes a separately run entity under the GSUSA umbrella, kind of like how Exploring is for Boy Scouts of America) but as you say, GSUSA might not want it.
  20. They really, really are not. One of my units did Scouting in Sweden for JOTI-JOTA and Arrow of Light requirement Building a Better World. It is entirely different. Where we have ranks Wolf, Bear, Webelos, etc. they have age-marks (rough translation) such as Tracker (8-10), Discoverer (10-12), Adventurer (12-15), Challenger (15-18) and Rover (19-25). There is nowhere near the emphasis on merit badges or the tons of adventures at the Cub Scout level, etc.
  21. First, lease implied WOSM owns the IP. It doesn't. That's why even you had to put the word "owned" in quotes. Second, any assignment of rights in the U.S. is cured by 36 U.S. Code § 30905. It is owned by Boy Scouts of America. This is simply becoming fanciful. No one is going to buy Boy Scouts of America. No one is going to buy its IP either.
  22. The charter effectively prohibits it. Boy Scouts of America has "Exclusive rights" under 36 USC 30905 to That would likely make it an exclusive non-transferable right. In order to get an IP transfer, you'd have to amend the "exclusive rights" statute. Good luck with that.
  23. Don't be too sure. US Gymnastics and its board mass resigned recently. But the broader point is legal. The board, and the board alone, picks its successors. Your plan of some outside entity naming members of a new board is literally, legally impossible.
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