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  1. My son will definitely be writing it, but was asking whether it had to be done at the time he gets the signatures from his troop leaders. Some say no, you say yes, so I'm wondering if it a troop specific?
  2. Thank you for the information. My son plans on having his Scoutmaster and Committee Chair sign his application this week, but hasn't written his letter of reflection yet. I am glad to hear that it is not required just yet.
  3. Thank you for the information! One other question regarding the application... Does the letter of reflection have to be completed before my son gets his application signed by his Scoutmaster and Committee leader? Or does he have to have this ready and available for his Eagle Scout Board of Review?
  4. My son is completing his Eagle Scout Rank Application and we had a question about what date to put here: Date joined Scouts BSA? Is this the date that he earned the Scout Rank, the day he earned Arrow of Light, or neither? Please advise. Thank you.
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