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Everything posted by cajuncody

  1. To people in my area the 13% may seem low. We are in an area where my children attend a "tittle 1" school. That means a high percentage of the students get free or reduced meals. I have taken my den out for pizza after an event and seen what they can eat and heard how they have never seen that much food before. When we collect for "Scouting for Food" I know several families in the pack that will be getting some of that food from the pantry. Maybe where you live it would be hard to think of one boy in each patrol being in the group that doesn't know where their next meal would come from but I can tell you that in my Bear den of 11 boys that I can think of atleast 5 that would have that problem. Kristi
  2. I am wanting to have a New Years Lock in for my pack. Is there a specific rule for this as it is not a camp out? I have heard several different things from different people in the district but no one has sited anything in writing. It would be held in our CO. Is there a certain number of adults to boys? Families only? Kristi
  3. Can I have a packet? Sounds like a great idea. Kristi
  4. I used to say that I became den leader and cub master because no one else would step up but that is not true. I was lying to myself and to others. The truth is I became cub master and den leader for my son and my self. Take a breather and give it another chance without the stress. Just do the job you have, not every other job in the pack. If the den leaders wife has a problem with the advancement and awards then have her call the advancement chair, no advancement chair? Offer her the job. Have a den leader who doesnt want to get trained, offer him the training chair. If you can, get the training person to come do training at your co for your, it is harder to turn it down when it is delivered. Have parents who don't want to do fundraising, put them in as fundraising chair. It is easier to offer positions of responsibility to people than to try to change their way of thinking. my 2 cents Also, attend Woodbadge, it will help you see the fun you are missing. Kristi I used to be an Eagle SR-725
  5. I don't know about everybody else but I was doing my final woodbadge weekend and MAN O MAN was it GREAT!!!! back now, will post woodbadge stuff later in proper forum. Kristi I used to be an Eagle Sr-725
  6. I feel for you. However, this is not a district or council level issue. If you were to read my history of posts you would see that I have been there, done that, and now hold the position of the other leader. Really the only way to actually have anything done in the pack with out the support of the cc is through the cor. It is up to the Charter Organazation and COR to recruit leaders, they also have to approve the leaders. Your DE and council people have no duck in this pond. If it were me (and it once was) I would go to the COR and the CO head and let them know what is going on. I would also be sure to have a copy of "said newsletter" as exhibit A and I would invite the CM and CC to join me but the meeting would take place with or without them if from no other footing than concerned parent. This is the CO's pack, they will have final say. Good luck and if you are in my area give me a call we can always use good leaders. Kristi
  7. Our rules are the same as the district rules which we come up with at roundtable. At our Pack and district once the cars are checked in no one touches them except the race officials. I have never had a problem yet with that. The boys take too long, argue over lane assignments, and then the parents want to "help" and it creates long delays between races. We have an older teen sibling and an adult maning the track and other adults in the pit and at the finish line. No boys, no pushy parents behind the Caution tape and cones. Kristi
  8. Right now my list includes: COR (we don't have one right now, he just quit) CC, Treasurer, Activities Chair, Fundraising Chair. I want 100% trained as an end result but I was refering to Committee Member Training right off the bat. YPT, NLE, and Fast Start right off the bat for everyone. The Committee Member training may be more difficult for every one to schedule in the up coming month or two but would hopefully be completed in the first year. Kristi
  9. Yes it is for a pack. I am writing my ticket and one of my items is to have a real committee, not just one on paper. I don't want to get too overconfident but what percentage would you start out hoping to get trained right off the bat? Kristi A good ol' Eagle! SR-725
  10. If you could create a committee from scratch, what positions would you consider the most important and why? This is to give me some food for thought on a possible woodbadge ticket item. Kristi
  11. My Eagle patrol is doing a "Passport to Scouting" for our patrol project. I have some really good info on scouting in Qatar but can not find any mention of uniforming. I know there is a member here that is a leader in Qatar and was hoping that this would catch his eye and he would offer up some help. Also, Are there any other members here from overseas scouts? I am just "using my resources" by asking here for help. Thanks ahead of time. Kristi
  12. Had a GREAT first Weekend, quite chilly though, down in the low 30's. Had a visitor in camp at night (What is black and white and stinks all over) but good packing prevented any problems in my tent. Back to Gilwell Happy Land, I'm Gonna Work my Ticket if I can !!!!! Kristi I am an Eagle ( and a good ole Eagle too) SR 725
  13. Eagle Pete I did join quite a while back and my first posts were the "Help I need training" posts. After I found out what training I needed I went on to University of Scouting (Pow Wow), and National Camp School to became the Day Camp Director here as well as my pack position of CM. All during training I had heard what a great experience Wood Badge would be but our council didn't have one until now. I do admit that I was the first person signed up but the wait has been long. My first year I wasn't a registered leader due to a mistake made by a past CM but I still was a TDL (I didn't know I wasn't registered) so this is really the begining of my second registered year. (Ignorance was not so bliss - no one received membership cards so their was no way to know I wasn't registered the former CM still has the old cards). Actually I think at this point, Wood Badge is the only training in our area left for me to take. I have taken everything else. Maybe I will get an "Over trained" patch just to keep in my scrap book. Kristi
  14. Thanks for all the advice. I am the type of person that is comfortable in the 100 degree heat but can't stand to get chilly. It will be in the low 40's during the first weekend and I know that I will be the one that is freezing. I keep a sock of rice at home and pop it into the microwave for a couple of mins to warm my feet at night. We will be sleeping on a camp issue cot in a four wall tent the first weekend. I had planned to take a sleeping bag and pad along with my thermal PJs. I will add a toboggin (sp?) hat with that as well as a nice warm jacket. Daytime highs will be in the low 70's or high 60's with plenty of moisture in the air from the lake. Can't wait to be a critter Kristi
  15. I have waited all year for the weekend that is up next. I have my first Woodbadge experience starting on the 21st! Finally I get to be a critter, and a good ole critter too! Now if only it weren't supposed to get so darn chilly at night. Any tips on keeping warm in a 4 wall tent? (cold natured in TN) Kristi
  16. If you automatically overplan everything, you might be a Cub Scout leader. Forgot that one. Kristi
  17. If he knows how to fold a flag and why, he might be a cub scout. If he automatically posts a salute when he sees a flag in movement, he might be a cub scout. If he can properly raise a flag to half staff when others his age don't even know what half staff means, he might be a cub scout. Oh to heck with it: If he knows more about the American Flag than any child should, he might be a Cub Scout. Kristi
  18. No cattle drive but close to the area you want. http://www.buckvalleyranch.com/ Kristi
  19. As for fitness, I am a memeber of the National Fitness Center so I checked with the manager there. He has a couple of personal trainers who are body builders and they have offered to cover the fitness badge. The will use the material presented in the book but have agreed to make it fun and memorable. They will also be giving a tour of the gym and get to see these folks in action with the weights. Also, depending on the gym schedule they may even allow us use of the indoor pool. Sounds like fun to me! Kristi
  20. Just my 2 cents In my sons Kindergarten class 3 years ago there were 10 boys and 10 girls. In Kindergarten the brownies recruited (or daisys) 8 girls. At that time all 10 boys wanted to join cubs but were told no "We don't recruit in Kindergarten you have to wait a year". In came football, soccer, T- Ball, and Basket ball, all of the sports groups DO recruit Kindergarten and have a Kindergarten league. Now fast forward to First Grade, 7-9 of those 10 boys are now involved and commited to a sport. I don't find it surprising that there are fewer to recruit. Kristi
  21. Hunt I would say yes. We have a girl who just started Kindergarten at our school. She is from the affected area and arrived here to stay with some extended family. She and her family have only the clothes they had on when they left. We are collecting items for her (girls size 7) and we are going to help purchase her some new "underthings"> Using this one person as a quick glimpse I would say that most uniforms are either lost or damaged. Really, my uniform and my sons uniform wouldn't have been at the top of the grab and go list for evacuations. Maybe we could start a Katrina Closet for uniform donations. Kristi
  22. This sounds like a great idea. If you can't find a group in the region many cities (including ours here) are receiving thousands of the survivors. You may check with places like that as well. We as a pack are going to be offering ourselves as a "Foster Pack" to any scouting youth staying in our area and hope to make them feel at home. Isn't Zippie in that area? Kristi
  23. It is truly a sad, sad day. I took "The Beast" ( my well loved 85 Ramcharger with a 360 4brl 4X4 with a live front axle 7mpg) down to the local gas station and paid $2.99 to fill her up. I then brought her home, installed a locking gas cap, and parked her for emergency use only. Sigh, now it is the ol trusty toyota minivan with good fuel milage that I will be using. I am self limiting my self to trips to school (with boys and to sub) and 2 trips to the gym per week. I missed the gas lines of the 70s but there is no way to miss what seems inevitable here and now. Sad, but atleast I still have my home, family, and the necessities of life. Kristi
  24. Nope, no tricks or bullying here. I am working to rebuild our reputation with the school. Damage was done before I became CM. We already raise and lower the flag everyday and also on special events I will be there and have the Cubs called up to offer a clean up while the other boys go back to class. I was going to try to set up a table at the first PTA meeting and maybe check to see if we could do a flag ceremony at the football games. I follow all the rules: No interupting class, no boys missing important work, No disruptions in the hall. The first graders are picked up at the Library door. The older boys at the front office. The flag, of course is at the front office. Kristi
  25. It isn't just the scouts, the school has shut everyone out. I think that the above ideas are great (skywriting, hee hee) and am going to try as many as possible. There is no school directory though but I do have a good friend who is one of the First Grade teachers. We will see what we can do. thanks Kristi
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