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Everything posted by cajuncody
We do pumpkin decorating but we paint or pin to them as the CM says cubs aren't allowed to use knives. We have this contest every year and have awards. A good tiger activity my boys liked was Leaf rubbing turkeys for Thanksgiving. It fufilled the leaf rubbing requirement and was tied into a holiday. We rubbed leaves for the turkey tails. Another good one was paper rockets. We used film canisters and alkaseltzer/water to shoot them into the air. Some went pretty high. So many crafts, so little time. Cajun
Welcome and a BIG THANKS for the offer. I am currently needing all sizes. I need 3 in S, 4-6 in M, and atleast 5 in Large. I would take any and all offered as I am also receiving emails daily from out of state people who have read my posts who need uniforms also. I know of atleast one out of state person needing a M in tan long sleeve. I would appreciate any help and can offer stories of shirt deliveres in return for your help. I have a po box to make it easy to send the shirts and wouldn't mind helping with shipping costs if needed. Thanks up front. Uniforming a pack one boy at a time. Kristi Uniform Closet c/o Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
I received a package today. In it were 2 brand new shirts!! I wanted to say thanks and post so that the sender would know they had arrived. I thought I would share the story of the scout who is to receive the blue shirt. I don't have the acutally story of giving it to him yet but I wanted you all to know why he was picked to receive it. We will call him "C". This boy came to our "Field of Dreams" which is when our boys get to go out on the field with our Local Baseball team for the National Anthem. He was in his orange Tiger shirt but it wasn't tucked in. I knew he had a cub belt as I had given it to him so we suggested that he tuck in his shirt to look more presentable. He tucked in his shirt. We then asked him to UN tuck the shirt. The problem was that the jeans he was wearing wouldn't button or zip. They were broken and were only being held up by the belt I had given him. I am looking around for some pants to go with this uniform shirt. They may not be BSA but they will match and I think that no one her will argue about non BSA pants for this child. I will also post later about the boy who is going to receive the tan shirt that was in this package also. Big Thanks to the sender! Together we can all make a difference. Kristi Uniform Closet c/o Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
Wow! Deja Vu! THis is my pack too! I was so disappointed in my pack that I have volunteered to take over as CM next year. I am biding my time as Wolf Den leader and doing my best to keep my boys in it until I can make some real changes. I have already made some! Last meeting I was the only den leader to show up so I made sure to have enough of my project for everyone. The parents that are coming are getting to know me and know that I am always prepared. I hope this makes it easier for me to become CM. I am also making pack plans and informing the current outgoing CM of them at pack meetings that way the boys learn of my plans and get to participate. In fact, I just spoke with a manager at Ben and Jerry's about a Rock the Vote ice cream party for our election day meeting. I was disappointed in my pack to the point of leaving but wanted my son to have a great time in scouts. I decided the best way to do that was to accept responsiblilty for it so here I am learning all I can and doing my best to make changes. Kristi Donate your old uniforms to help needy scouts. Uniform Closet c/o Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
A scout is trustworthy. As a current cub den leader this is my opinion. If a parent comes to me and says their child has completed an item I have 2 choices. 1, I accept their word on the matter and sign off or 2, I call them a liar. Number 2 has never happened. It is up to the scout and Akela to determine when something has been done. My books tell me that along with the den leader and cub master that Akela is also the parent or other important adult. I take the word of my boys, period. I have yet to have anyone be proven a liar. If I had that much doubt about something I would simply put that on my to do list and have EVERYONE bring it to the next meeting that way I am not singling out one boy. We as den leaders and parents really need to show the boys that we trust their word. Otherwise how can we tell them that "A scout is trustworthy"? Cajun
I just had to post this, read on and you will see why. As you all know I have been asking for donated uniform parts to help my boys who can't afford them. The first shirt was sent without a return addy or name and it was just given to a boy. Now, that said, who ever sent that could have "spoken up" after my post about the boy and said " I sent that shirt, I made that boy happy, Aren't I a great person" but they didn't. I have also received several private messages from others on this board who are sending or are going to send some items, some are even sending new items. Again, these people could be posting public messages saying "I am sending these, I am going to send these, or I went out and bought this to send." But again, they didn't. The fact that these people are doing this is FANTASTIC, the fact that they are not calling attention to themselves is even better. I appreciate everything that has or will be sent and so do/will my boys. I have been told how nice it is that I am doing this and what a fine job I am doing and for that I say thanks. HOWEVER, it is not me that deserve these nice comments, it is the folks who are doing the sending, out of the kindness of their hearts, with out making a public "I " statement. I am just the person standing at the corner holding out the proverbial can, it is the people who come by and drop something in that deserve the "job well done". It makes me proud to be associated with such fine examples of scouting. The fact is that when someone walks by and drops something in the can to help without looking around to be sure they are being noticed is truly inspiring. Another BIG THANKS to you all. Keep inspiring me to do a better job. Kristi Uniform Closet c/o Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
I haven't been in scouting long enough to know about the types of camps that you are talking about but I do find it ammusing when referenced to our local day camp. I worked at the day camp this year that is supposed to be run by our pack. I was the only den leader from our pack there (Doh!) Our pay for the week of day camp was "a Camp T-shirt, $5.00, and all the hugs you can get". Now remember, we are the poor area here. Not only does the $5.00 not really cover todays gas prices ( I drive a 1985 Dodge Ramcharger with a live front axle and a big 360 engine, I may get 10 miles to the gallon but I can tow anything) but we were asked at the end of the week if we wanted our $5.00 or if we wanted to donate it. Poor or not I don't think any of us took the money. I think it would have been better to have given us a discount on our boys fees. Cajun
Good Morning! Here is a cheerful story for today. Last night at the meeting I brought with me the donated shirt I had received. I had a cub in mind for it. As the cubs were arriving I saw him in the parking lot and took the shirt out to him so as not to call attention to it. Well, I shouldn't have bothered. This boy is my shyest wolf cub. He is very sweet but doesn't have an outgoing personallity. But I digress, I took the shirt out to him and he took it. I turned my back to him as I was showing his dad the proper patch placement and when I turned back around he had removed his other shirt and was trying to put the uniform shirt on still buttoned up over his head like a tee shirt. His other shirt was on the ground under his feet. I unbuttoned it for him and helped him button it back up. I hadn't planned on him wearing it that night since it didn't have any patches on it but he was so proud of it he had to wear it. He even showed it off to every other boy he could find. So I say to you "That is what it is all about" So another big thank you to who ever sent that shirt. Kristi Still plenty to go! Uniform Closet c/o Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
Our pack has never had a face painting so I thought I would try one out and see if I can't get the CM to include it later too. Just anything to keep the boys interested! Cajun
Stay at home mom. Full time, no large paycheck but plenty of benefits. Cajun
Hi all, I am looking for a face painting ceremony for inducting new boys into my wolf pack. I know there are several on the web for graduation wolves but I need one for the beginning of the year. I saw one somewhere but can't find it now. I was where you invite the boys to be members of your den and paint their faces with colors symbolizing what they will learn. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Cajun
Hi all. Just wanted to drop a quick note to say that I still need donated uniform parts. I have only received two shirts, but I am thankful for those. I could use any size blue and any size tan right up to adult size for the bigger kids. I received an email request for a donated uniform but unfortunaly I am unable to send any out as I don't have any tan shirts. Maybe a larger pack could sponser us? Cajun Uniform Closet Pack 582 c/o Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
I use the tape method. I tape the patch on then sew through the tape and then pull the tape off. Simple but effective. I think I even saw this posted here somewhere else so I must not be the only one. I sew it with the pocket still attached and just try not to sew it to my finger. Cajun
Eamonn, I feel for you. DH ( that is Dear Husband on most days on others the D can be not so flattering) Decided that my office closet was too full. He cleaned it out. I now have a stack of wood projects on my desk that he told me to "Use it or lose it". Good thing I have a cub meeting tomorrow. Just the opposite of you however, I just went from a small 2 drawer file cabinet to a LARGE 5 drawer. I now get an entire drawer for Cub stuff. Clutter is all in the eye of the beholder. According to DH I am a clutter queen and a pack rat. However, to everyone else I am a "neat freak". I can always put my hand on whatever DH wants so I don't understand his complaint. I do tend to keep everything though. ( I did finally toss all the photo negatives, with scanners today you don't really need them plus I have a digital now anyway.) I say keep packing it away, you never know when you may need something again. The only time I can't find something is when DH has tossed it. Cajun
Volunteer. Any person from Tennessee or elsewhere whose blood runs pure orange during football season. Cajun (in Vol Country)
Welcome! First go to for some quick online training. Then go to for a quick youth protection training online. Hope this helps and good luck from someone who has been there. Kristi Qualifications: If residing in this country but not a citizen of the United States, agrees to abide by the Scout Oath and Law, to respect and obey the laws of the United States of America, and to subscribe to the BSA statement of religious principle. Is at least 21 years of age and of good moral character. Should be interested in and enjoy working with boys and be able to work with adults. Should be an expefienced leader, but may be a parent or guardian of a boy in the den. Recommended by the Cubmaster after consultation with the parents and guardians of the Tiger Cubs involved, and approved by the pack committee and chartered organization. Registered as an adult leader of BSA. Responsibilities: The Tiger Cub den leader's responsibilities are to Give leadership in carrying out the pack program in the den. Complete Tiger Cub den leader Fast Start Training and position-specific Basic Leader Training. Attend monthly roundtable meetings. Lead the den in its participation at pack meetings. Serve as den host or hostess for family members at the pack meetings. Work in harmony with other den and pack leaders. Help the Cubmaster (or assistant Cubmaster) and pack committee to recruit new boys. Coordinate shared leadership among the Tiger Cub adult partners in the den. Ensure that each Tiger Cub and his adult partner have the opportunity to be the host team, planning and executing the den activities, rotating responsibilities monthly. Make pack and den resources available to the host team, ensuring the completion of the den component of the Tiger Cub advancement requirements. Use Boys' Life and Scouting magazines, Cub Scout Program Helps, the Tiger Cub Handbook, and other Cub Scouting literature as sources for program ideas. Keep accurate records of den dues and attendance. Collect weekly den dues (optional) and turn them in to the pack treasurer at the monthly pack leaders' meetings. Maintain a friendly relationship with the Tiger Cubs and their adult partners. Encourage Tiger Cubs to earn advancement awards. Keep accurate advancement records and see that the boys receive recognition for their achievements. Stimulate the Tiger Cubs' imaginations on the program theme for the month, and work with the adult partners to prepare boys for participation in pack meetings. Promote the religious emblems program, as available to Tiger Cubs. Help the den and pack earn the National Summertime Pack Award. Take part in the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings. Help set a good example for the boys through behavior, attitude, and proper uniforming. Help the Cubmaster or assistant Cubmaster provide a meaningful recognition ceremony for the transition of Tiger Cub dens as they enter Wolf dens at the end of the Tiger Cub year. Throughout the year, keep in mind the transition goal of moving the boys to the next level in Cub Scouting. Support the policies of the BSA. The main responsibilities of the Tiger Cub den leader can be summarized as follows: Work directly with other den and pack leaders to ensure that their den is an active and successful part of the pack. Coordinate shared leadership among the Tiger Cub adult partners, ensuring that all adult partners help plan, conduct, and prepare for den meetings and Go See It outings on a rotating basis and that the den activities provide advancement opportunities for the boys in the den. Attend pack leaders' meetings. Lead the den at the monthly pack activity. Ensure the transition of Tiger Cubs into a Wolf den at the end of the year.
Hi all. I received a cub shirt today in Youth L and wanted to say thanks to who ever sent it. A cub is already on my list to receive it. There was no name but I am sure it came from here so a BIG THANKS!!! Cajun Uniform Closet Pack 582 C/O Kristi Cantor PO BOX 1111 Kodak TN 37764
Unc. My hubby and I have discussed the possibility of getting too much but I really don't see that as a problem. If I get more than I need there are always places like this to post the extras so that they go to the kids who need them. My main concern my be my pack but I think this should go further than just one person working to uniform one pack. If nothing else it seems that I have inspired at least one other to do the same. If we all work together to share the extras we shouldn't have any kids left out. hoping for loads, Cajun
I am pleased to announce that my efforts have not been in vain. I now have at least one shirt on its way and another person has sponsered a new shirt for one of my cubs. Hopefully this will only be the begining for my uniform closet. Thanks for all the advice and if you want to help you may send uniform parts to: (edited for safety reasons; please PM author for address) We can all make a difference in a boys life if we just try. Thanks again Kristi (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
A scratch off card is a card with circles covering the amount from $.05 up to $2.00. The CM wants the boys to go door to door and sell mini candy bars for the price uncovered by the scratcher. You could get a mini candy bar for a nickle or for two bucks. This is supposed to be a "Great" fundraiser. However, I am not sure I want to participate in this as the BSA says that the boys shouldn't solicit donations. I think that my CM is walking a fine line and I don't want my boy to be the one to step across. I am looking forward to being CM next year but don't want this to put me in an odd position in my pack as being the one who says "No, I am not supporting this fundraiser" when they dont' understand why I don't support it. The CM has made it clear that his fundraising app was approved and this is the pack fundraiser along with popcorn (which he says we shouldn't push selling popcorn because it is a big hassle for him). I am afraid that since Tennessee just recently allowed a lottery ( it started this year) and we are all new to the scratch off lottery cards that someone is going to expect to win what they scratch off instead of donating it. I don't want my 7 yr old trying to explain this. I have a lot of objections. I was just hoping to have some help finding a good argument with the CM. Cajun
First off, WElcome to the pack! I too am a Wolf den leader. Unfortunatly my pack doesn't run like the program helps supports. We meet 2 times per month at our COR with all the other dens. Basically it is like 2 pack meetings per month, the CM talks for a while then we break for den meetings. I can't change things right now but next year I am taking over as CM and there will be changes coming. My advice is to do what is best for your boys and yourself. If too many parents complain you may want to remind them that you volunteered, they didn't. You will have boys that work on there books at home and you will have boys that don't. That was my biggest complaint last year in Tigers. Some parents I had to sit down and read through the books with them and ask "Did Billy do that?, Did your family do this?" It was really frustrating that so many parents want their child spoon fed the requirements. Then I just got over it and decided to have some fun. We went fishing and hiking. We earned belt loops and pins. When the other kids saw awards being earned they got on the ball and started doing some of it at home. Good luck and hope to see you around! Cajun
Hi, welcome to the group. I don't have any experience with special needs in my den but we did have a boy in my sons class last year. Here is my suggestion. If the boys with autisim do better at the begining of a meeting I would have them come later to the meeting so that they are still fresh at the end. I would also have them stay later to have a little one on one time with them and their parents to cover what they missed at the begining. This would give them group time but also a more personalized portion too. If they do better latter in a meeting I would switch it around and have them arrive early. I would also suggest the "talking feather " method so that everyone knows whose turn it is to speak out. This could be helpful in keeping the entire group focused on one person rather than watching each other. Remember, these are just my opinions, I have no training on this subject. Cajun
I spoke with my CM and he saw no problem with the card. He said we will be selling mini candy bars for the "price " uncovered and giving coupons as a thank you. He said his app was approved on this by the council. I don't know . . .still seems like a very fine line to walk. Cajun
Social & Economic Forces & Their Effect on our Program
cajuncody replied to cjmiam's topic in Issues & Politics
I don't really believe there is one thing and one thing only that makes a program successfull. Or if you like political speak "There is no smoking gun". IMO it is a combination of many factors, while money helps it is not required. While good leaders help, a bad leader can be considered fun by the boys. Uniforms look nice but an ununiformed group can have just as good a program. I think that it is many factors added to the personal combination of members within the region that determines a successfull program. Cajun(This message has been edited by cajuncody) -
I am sure there are some horror stories out there of first meetings but not from my pack last night. It couldn't have gone better!!! First off I had planned for a blow gun demonstration from a friend of mine who is with the cherokee group here. Well as a plus he brought his costume and also did his medicine man talk. The CM asked if the whole pack could participate since I was the only real den leader there last night. So we made it a pack event. The kids loved it. Our current CM and I even took our turns at it. I did lousey but the kids loved it! The best part of all is "John Smith" (name changed) who is a child I have know for 2 years signed up last night. This child has had a very difficult life and had been considered a discipline problem at school since kindergarten. His story is one of many problems but the end result is that he and his sisters are being raised by his grandpartents. He gets to do no activities and they have even forgotten to take him to parties that he was invited to. He arrived at my sons party when it was almost over because his sister noticed he wasn't there (she works at McDonalds and that was where the party was). He had been sitting on his porch for 45 min. waiting to be picked up. Despite his family problems and financial problems this is a child who always has a hug for me. My husband and I were just discussing a way to get a personal invite to him and he just walked through the door last night. It made my day! They can't pay the regustration fees or the dues but we are going to work around that. I myself am going to make a special trip to the scout store to pick him up a handbook and he will be the first boy on my list for a d onated uniform. This kid needs scouting and scouting needs this kid. He is in my pack and in my den so I now have even more opportunities to help him. It must be providence. Now, does anyone have an extra blue shirt in a childs size L? Cajun(This message has been edited by cajuncody)