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  1. Good afternoon. I need some help in the scout world of leaders. We have 6 leaders in our troop, and one of the leaders is very hard to get along with. Gonna make it plain and simple and say what he is like. He yells all the time, blames other adult leaders of stealing while receipts are given in for reembursements, thinks hes the boss when he is only the assistant scoutmaster, sits during meetings and drinks coffee all the time, doesnt know knots and other needed things to teach the kids, always goes over everyones heads to correct them, fights with other adult leaders, and so on. Its hard to say all but hes a problem to the troop. What can i do to resolve this as a committee chairman of the troop. Do I go to the district people of BSA? i NEED SOME HELP TO RESOLVE AN ONGOING ISSUE. Thanks all...
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