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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. BSA just released updated tool guidelines...finally, some sensible changes... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/healthsafety/pdf/680-028.pdf?utm_source=scoutingwire&utm_campaign=swvolunteer3172021&utm_medium=email&utm_content=
  2. Here's something interesting to peruse...it's the YMCA insurance questionnaire the Great American Insurance Group uses to begin the underwriting process. https://www.greatamericaninsurancegroup.com/docs/default-source/specialty-human-services/ymca-questionnaire.pdf?sfvrsn=c4f943b1_6 Take note under abuse/molestation coverage.... "Is your organization Praesidium Certified?" Never heard of this with BSA... https://website.praesidiuminc.com/wp/ Probably best posted under YP thread...sorry moved here by RS
  3. Don't groups (like councils), by law, have to have insurance to conduct activities? https://www.greatamericaninsurancegroup.com/for-businesses/subproducts-details/specialty-human-services/organizations-we-serve/youth-services
  4. I'll check with a buddy who helps with the local youth soccer travel team... it seems, whenever I talk to him, that another kid on the squad has a concussion. Their accident and health insurance premiums must be high. But you don't really need accident and health... BSA is only a supplementary in that regard anyway, unless you are a military dependent. (Then they are primary.) It's the liability you need. And, I'd bet, if you present good documentation and transparency that you are exercising due diligence, the liability premiums may be reduced. Again, I'd have to talk with the underwriter... This site says $29 to $47 per month, depending on some variables. So, at $5 per youth per annum, with 50 Scouts, we are paying $20.83 per month already, thru council/national. https://generalliabilityinsure.com/small-business/youth-groups-insurance.html#:~:text=How Much Does Youth Group,offered%2C claims history and more. Finally, your home and assets are always at risk with "gross negligence". Of course, there are elements of proof for that. A personal injury lawyer advised me an umbrella policy is always wise http://www.fcomi.org/uploads/3/3/7/4/3374831/volunteer_protection_act.pdf
  5. Insurance, schminsurance... just kidding... What @mrjohns2 said... companies will sell you insurance for just about anything. Now, the premiums for that insurance...that's the real question that I don't have the answer to. Anyone out there know a ballpark figure for insuring a youth group for $1M in liability?? (that is the usual amount asked for on our COIs; occasionally we get an organization asking for $2M, but our council has always provided that COI with about 2 weeks notice.)
  6. There is happy news...it's over a hundred years old. There was a time when there were no "Scouts." And the movement started with idea from an old crusty British Army guy. No need to worry...kids want Scouting, and it will happen. Be there for them. Take them camping. You already know the like-minded people around you. BSA is not the be-all-end-all of Scouting. Just the current major market-share provider. If they go away, be a grass roots startup. You will have a blast.
  7. And, btw, this whole "separate but equal" thing was a pipe dream from the start. We had thorough discussions about this in our unit when we looked at creating a girl troop. We all knew it would come to that... Separate on paper, combined in reality...
  8. This is the dirty little secret for most councils...turn a blind eye until something happens. And, even though our Scouter Code of Conduct says "I will take steps to prevent or report any violation of this code of conduct by others in connection with Scouting activities.", if you do (even anonymously), you are outed, ostracized, marginalized, labeled, shunned, etc.... We are not a self-policing group, even if touted as such.
  9. NOTE: ♦ Q. Are there times when youth can gather, meet or conduct activities without adult supervision? A. No. Two-deep adult supervision by registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required for all Scouting activities and must meet the leadership requirements outlined in Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse. This includes patrol activities. At least this one makes some sense: ♦ Q. Can I share a tent with my son or daughter who has special needs? A. Youth and adults tent separately in the Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, and Venturing programs. Youth who have a special need or disability who may require a parent or legal guardian to tent with them must develop a plan in conjunction with their local council Scout Executive to address their specific needs. This one does not: Q. Can a leader bring their Scouts BSA son or daughter to an opposite gender troop activity? A. No. Scouts BSA program integrity requires single gender units and single gender buddy pairs.
  10. And that is exactly why abusers use this strategy to gain the confidence of their victims and the public. They do great acts of kindness and seem to be genuinely concerned for the well-being of youth. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Unfortunately, the ones who are truly kind and genuinely care can get lumped in with the abusers as "groomers." I have seen this, and have had to defend several people's reputations. The behavior of mis-identification is also greatly discouraging some adults from getting involved.
  11. Dear daughter and dear son both just earned Eagle...there is a bit of a weight lifted off the shoulders
  12. Yes, they have shot this messenger on several occasions. I have too much scar tissue to engage again...happy to play in our little sandbox at the unit level...
  13. He said "high level volunteers"...guess I am a "low level volunteer"??? LOL Just so you know your value to the people running things Start at 19:55 https://vimeo.com/521149532
  14. We build them higher than six feet, just don't have them climb higher than six without helmet, harness, and top rope belay IAW climbing rules.
  15. There was a Scouter accused of murder. Removed from Scouting. Exonerated. Not allowed back. Much more to the story, but BSA will not allow him back. He is Vigil Honor.
  16. No one ever checked BSA's ScoutNet record to see if someone had his Arrow of Light, except for registrars validating Eagle Scout Applications to verify program eligibility. Concur, buy the stuff, do the program, have a blast, celebrate the achievement, and give 'em the bling!
  17. Yes, they did...and some of their Scouts took rifle and shotgun shooting and archery. Again...
  18. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:9njI0wvesicJ:https://info.creditriskmonitor.com/NewsStory.aspx%3FNewsId%3D27327662%26rc%3DW02FM26EFW02S7261U+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  19. Yikes...one reason we left our last CO because room rental was costing our Troop around $700 a year.
  20. The last time I asked about this...about 6 months ago, our SE said we had one claim they were "concerned about". They have well over a hundred in the list...
  21. They are counting on the judge ruling the LCs as independent, but allowing them to "purchase" claims immunity coverage if they contribute to the bankruptcy-driven compensation fund? I still don't see how they can make that argument/request seriously. Doesn't pass the common sense, sanity, nor the "headlines" tests...
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