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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Just write that in an email to your registrar. They should have no problem removing the departing Scout. Follow up with a phone call if the registrar needs more info. Same thing happened to us...after Christmas break and return to school, a Scout decided he did not wish to continue. Registrar took the change, no problem. No charge...
  2. OK, so, from the description, they could use their imagination to come up with something like this 1. Use the three six foot poles to build the tripod, with a tripod lashing. The top of the tripod is the fulcrum. 2. Using the two eight foot poles, make the boom with round lashings. 3. Attach the two cross braces (blue) with square or Mark II lashings. All these lashings are in the Scout Handbook. Tie a piece of sturdy rope at the end to attach to the object to be moved. Orient the tripod and the cross braces for maximum stability while moving the 25 lbs object. Please see if your Scouts can come up with this solution on their own. Get all the materials together, tell them the problem as stated above, and see what they come up with. Part of this problem seems to be imagining and creating a solution. Woodbridge is about an hour away from us, so I'll pass on the visit. The diagram above is relatively easy to construct. Practice. P.S. If you put the boom on top of the tripod, the upper part of the tripod staves might interfere with the movement of the boom. They are asking for only five feet, so that is a relatively small movement. Anyway, have the Scouts figure it out. You could put the boom below the tripod lashing and use the cross braces as the fulcrum. Trial and error... And I think this is fitting for my 1000th post!!! Thanks for the opportunity๐Ÿ˜
  3. 1. Scout Handbook Woods Tools section has an OK discussion of lashings. The illustrations are inferior, and you have to parse out the meaning from each of the instructions. 2. The Pioneering Merit Badge pamphlet. 1993 version (1998 printing, if you can find it.) Here's a site https://scoutpioneering.com/older-pioneering-merit-badge-pamphlet/ 3. Practice. You tube videos might help. But, you'll find, there is the right way, the wrong way, and the Scout way ๐Ÿ˜œ 4. Even if they do not have the confidence or ability, do not skip the town. Use their time there to go and ask for a demonstration. In humility, say exactly what you have said..."We don't know how to do this, and we do not have anyone with the experience to teach us. Would you please show us how to do it, so we can learn?" 5. Would you please post a description of what the Derby officials are asking for? 6. Where are you in NJ? If close, I might be able to attend one of your meetings to help. My 999th post!!! So long, triple digits!! ๐Ÿ˜œ
  4. This is why I am a stickler for paperwork and following all points of BSA policies for activities... I shake my every every year, especially at summer camps, at how many adults just blow off safety provisions... Thunder? Yeah, I heard it, but it sounds really far away, we can continue our activity (smh) Jimmy is a Beginner? That's OK, he can get in the canoe with Johnny the swimmer, who is not an adult (smh) Canoe Trek? Naw, they don't need the three hours of instruction or demonstrate proficiency and recover from a capsize (smh) Class II rapids? Naw, we don't need helmets (smh) Scuba? No, we don't need to get the Scuba agency medical formed signed by a doctor...the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record is good enough (smh) and on and on and on...
  5. Yes, the only thing I think would bring it to a full stop is a Cease and Desist Letter from council...then you are officially no longer under the auspices. I totally agree with you: never let the adult side of things hold a Scout back from advancement...
  6. Nope, no signed Annual Charter Agreement. I'll run one around for signatures, just so our CO is covered. This is the document that binds the BSA to cover the CO with insurance. So, do your registrars issue you a unit charter without having this form completed? http://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Annual-Charter-Agreement-Charter-Organizations-.pdf Ours has for the past five years... Hmmmm
  7. You are most welcome! Want deeper knowledge? Read section starting on page 24... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf
  8. Ibuprofen is your friend. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2012/03/ibuprofen-decreases-likelihood-of-altitude-sickness-researchers-find.html
  9. You are right on the money...and sometimes I think that is why we need the "creative destruction" of a Chapter 7.
  10. Absolutely you can double count. Unless the requirements specifically say otherwise. Also, since the project was conservation related, he could use it to fulfill requirements for the Distinguished Conservation Service Award. https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/conservation-and-environment/conservation-awards-and-recognitions/bsa-distinguished-conservation-service-award/
  11. Sounds wonderful! No bugs, fewer other campers, and a good chilly night to sleep ๐Ÿ˜œ Hope your other outing goes well...
  12. Ours just went through yesterday. We have a charter until 31 Dec 2022! Now, I'll ask if our charter agreement has actually been signed for the year? (Since our unit has unilaterally handled the last four years doing this [coordinating all signatures on the document and delivering it to council], my sense is we will have to do it again this year...)
  13. Our registrar is struggling with the "new" system. It was all supposed to be done electronically. But, in PA, the registrar must verify PA volunteer clearances are up to date for the entire adult roster before approving the recharter. However, the registrar cannot see the "future" roster until she approves it. Catch-22, so they had to go back to all the units and ask for a roster for rechartering, outside the electronic system.
  14. And please, for the love of all that is Scouting, make him pack his own gear! You can go through the Scout Handbook checklist with him to guide him, but please make him pack it. And starting today, after school & homework, have him gather at least about a third of his stuff ... if he waits until the last minute (Friday after school) , there will be problems for both of you. Windy and chilly in your area this weekend. Lows in the high 20's. Hats, gloves, and layers are a must. Don't know if you two are used to those temps. Is his sleeping bag good for that? And a final trick...use a wide-mouth Nalgene filled with hot water as a hot water bottle in the bottom of the sleeping bag. He'll literally be a bug in a rug ๐Ÿ˜œ And congratulations, Dad (?)! Mine got his driver's license yesterday, and I bought him a celebratory milkshake (his favorite). Celebrate those milestones!! Have a short parent-son treat on Sunday when he returns home.
  15. Still there... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/Merit_Badge_ReqandRes/Inventing.pdf?_gl=1*117uccl*_ga*MTI0MDc0MzQ4LjE2MzQ3Mjk1NDM.*_ga_20G0JHESG4*MTY0MTk2MjM4Ni4zOC4wLjE2NDE5NjIzODYuNjA.&_ga=2.102987464.995562393.1641576145-124074348.1634729543
  16. They could call it Cubela's!! https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en#
  17. Hey, if the Army wanted you to have a Scout unit, they'd have issued you one!! ๐Ÿ˜› Keep up the good work. We all need you.
  18. Oh no...all salary and benefits paid out of the funds from the local council. You can see this on any IRS Form 990 for your local council. If you need a link, post your council, and I'll try to put in here.
  19. Or they have no liability, and stay in it to ride the gravy train of a $200K+ salary until the end...
  20. Yup...I try to steer my Scouts towards the aquatics badges, shooting sports badges, climbing, and scuba. All of those are a blast. And lots of "doing."
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