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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Scouting is for adults as well. Some, with good intentions perhaps, go overboard and neglect the primacy of our mission to youth... but I have seen adults who really blossom in the program. Not all adults, when they join us, are "stellar" moral and ethical decision makers. By our example, through their training, and by exposing them to the eight methods (so, including the Oath and Law among other things), they become even more capable of delivering the promise to youth.
  2. Why would you not leave this up to the Eagle Scout? It seems way out of line for adults (I seriously doubt any PLC would have the gall) to dictate such a thing. Whom an Eagle Scout wishes to recognize as her mentors is really none of the "Troop's" business. Is there any reasoning behind this you could share?
  3. Like the idea, but it looks too much like military then. BSA probably won't go for it.
  4. 1) National doesn't care 2) Yes, but I would love to wrong about this. 3) No, but I would love to wrong about this.
  5. Things are looking up! Hey moderators! Could @swilliams post the GoFundMe here??
  6. I spent many a day and night on both Green and Yellow ramps at Pope waiting for you guys to load up in my trusty C-141. Our airdrop speed was usually about 150 knots, depending on weight. If I was tail end Charlie of the formation, I'd slack off ten or 15 knots over the DZ to make your opening shock a little less. (Love what you did!!) Later did some DZ control there... Both my Dad and brother were 82nd... and I was born on Fort Campbell, and lived on Fort Bragg. Dad retired out of Fort Gordon. Both told me to go Air Force! (brother in Navy said the same!) Still have family in Raeford and Augusta. 😜 Airborne All the Way! (I trained for the nylon letdown, but was never daft enough to jump out of a perfectly good airplane 😜 )
  7. Careful! You'll be put on the IVF!!
  8. Try this... see NNJC entry https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Cub Scout Adventures and Requirements or here, I converted it to a pdf for you... CS Adv & Req.pdf
  9. Totally agree... These concepts seem a little inappropriate for the age groups...
  10. Is there a PTA that works with the DoDDS there? Maybe they elect somebody... Or could they talk with the SPL of the Scout Troop? It does say "someone who is elected"
  11. Only on Minecraft or Fortnite 😜 With "requirements" like those, I think they lost sight of the fun aspect of anything and everything.
  12. @cctroop123, welcome! I'm not getting a link there... Let's try this: http://scoutmaster.org/boy led troop.pdf
  13. BTW, the Newspeak on this is "Range and Target Sports" (RATS?) watch for the change to creep in over time. https://www.ncacbsa.org/shooting-sports/
  14. LOL, what clothing manufacturer is in USA that would fit the bill?
  15. No, time for a Carhartt x BSA collab 😜 \ https://www.carhartt.com/ REI is kind of bougie... (REI member since 1989.)
  16. Will any of their achievements be on the shirt? Or is it all just organizational stuff...??
  17. Here's an example... JTE patches... change every year, if you wear them... (Yes, shirt is well-worn, and has seen many better days 😜 )
  18. Ugh... why doesn't National get with the program and use velcro!? Adding velcro to uniforms and patches makes things lighter than metal and more easily interchangeable. I believe it would be a cheaper alternative than metal awards and insignia... and could possibly be sourced from recycled materials. Production of metal gadgets with paints and coatings seems less eco-friendly, but I reserve the right to be wrong.
  19. Do you mean that a disbanded Troop did not re-charter, or that a previously-believed disbanded Troop surprised everyone and submitted for a charter?? Hoping for the latter, but suspect you meant former...
  20. My Council Commissioner contact gave me our council stats; we lost units (this month last year to this month this year). I am not revealing the exact numbers, to protect my source and myself 😜 Unit growth rate is almost negative 5% (I altered this number to protect the innocent...), so we lost about one out of every 20 units. Membership growth rate overall same period almost negative 6% (exact number hidden to protect the innocent.) It is sad that both he and I believe if we could be specifically identified through this forum, there would be reprisals from our council. What were the target growth rates for this past year? What was the baseline year? It would be nice if our council would release the strategic plan (if they have one). Here is Coastal Carolina Council's plan revised in Jun 2022. https://scoutingevent.com/Download/099108572/SM/Strategic_Plan_Booklet_Final__revised_6_23_22.pdf
  21. Once the proposal is approved, he can go full bore on planning, coordinating, scheduling, preliminary site work, etc. He just cannot do any fundraising until he get that separate form back.
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