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  1. so while I am on the subject of trailers, what would you do to make an "organized" trailer? Shelving? Tables? Lights? Just wondering what would be essential to create an awesome troop trailer
  2. thanks DG for that quick post. Let me back up. We don't have a trailer yet. We are just trying to answer this question before we get one!
  3. I've a question about troop trailers. Does the Charter Org tag and insure them, or is that the troops responsiblity. I'm not exactly clear on how this should be done. Anyone have any insight?
  4. I am looking for some kind of an example to show kids how gps works. Seems like I read on here at one time that someone had used ropes of different lengths to make an illustration, but can't seem to find it. Does anyone have any good ideas? Thanks
  5. thanks for the recycling tip. Thats a great idea. Finally found the markers I was speaking of. http://www.benmeadows.com/search/Trailite/1202/
  6. we are looking at "freshening" up an existing trail. Currently it is marked by colored, round aluminum trail markers with a hiker on it. We want to continue the same markings. No one seems to know where the originals came from. I can't seem to find them (google) anywhere. Anybody seen these before? Where might I find them?
  7. My troop is looking at making a custom cap for our troop. I am looking for some art ideas for the front of a hat. Can anybody out there show me an example of what you have done? I am looking for something more that just text (troop name and city) on the hat. I'm not really the creative type and would appreciate any ideas. Thanks.
  8. I'm a little confused about the eagle scout references. Requirement 2 in the Eagle Application states to list those who would be willing to provide a reference. Are we to send these people a request for a reference letter? Does the council do it? Just wondering how this is to be done? THanks
  9. wow...thats outstanding. I have a nephew with ashpergers, and know what a struggle it can be. I am proud for you! Great job....!!!
  10. oh goodness! They must have just fixed it, 'cause it is word wrapping now. Thanks for checking into that. I have had the other for about 3 weeks. Thanks again.
  11. wanted to do that, but handwriting is not one of his strong points! I sure wish this form was easier to use. Most of it is good, its just the long narratives that don't work very good.
  12. My son has been working on his eagle workbook. He has most of his narrative written out by hand, but wants to get it typed into the pdf workbook. He tried typing into the page to describe his project, but it is only letting him type 1 line at a time. Is there any way to "word wrap" this form? THis may be a software issue with Adobe Reader. I'd appreciate very much anybodys input on this. Surely we are not the first to have this issue. Thanks again.
  13. I have used Scout direct a couple of times and find their gear very nice. Our troop is looking at getting some tents that we can backpack with. Probably 2 man tents. Do any of you have experience with the Scout Direct tents? Would you recommend a tent to me?
  14. when I say front clip, I guess that is actually called a sternum clip. thx
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