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  1. We recently returned from the Sea Base Coral Reef Sailing Adventure. We found out that there are different types of people working at Sea Base, Direct employees and contractors. I do not know about the power boats but we found out that most of the Sailboats are contracted for the season. They are not owned by BSA or Sea Base. Some of those sailboats are run by the owner/captain and others the captain is hired by the owner to run the boat for the season or a number of weeks during the season. What confuses us about this is that if the sailboats are contracted, should we consider tipping the Captain similar to hiring a charter fishing boat? I believe Sea Base has a strict No Tipping policy for Sea Base employees, E.g. those getting paid directly from BSA, but do sailing captains fall into this category? Is there someone from Sea Base who can shed some light on this? What about at the other High Adventure bases or BSA Camps? Is the White Water Rafting company at Bechtel considered employees? What if our guide gives us a once in a lifetime run? On the other hand, should that be our concern or is that a labor negotiation between the contractor and his employees?
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