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  1. Many parts of the country are going through difficult times and we just don't know the safest way to gather anymore. Here in New Jersey I don't believe I should be planning indoor pack meetings for the foreseeable future. We have 40 scouts plus siblings and parents so we cannot feasibly gather inside. Our dens can meet more easily but as Cubmaster I need some help. What outdoor activities would you all plan for a large pack for both autumn and cooler/cold weather months? (I know there are tons of ideas in the forum but I wanted to kick this back up to the top given our current situation.)
  2. This is an excellent resource for all packs. Thank you for sharing.
  3. Fred, tell me more about what you dislike about unit shopping? Shouldn't scouts go to the unit that best fits them?
  4. Wanted to thank all those in this forum and others for posting ideas and responding when I have had questions. Here's my presentation from tonight's 40-minute online pack meeting. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18eJ-hXXNh7NNWYX4TZIWCVYdeZB0WPGVJS_0azCLrAM/edit?usp=sharing We had 17 families join in of our 45 scouts.
  5. Thanks, but no worries now. Our B&G is March 27. I made the attached at canva.com.
  6. Not looking to recreate the wheel, does anyone have a Photoshop-type layered file (maybe a PSD) of a Blue and Gold announcement or invitation they can share?
  7. I appreciate the many responses here. Unfortunately, no clear-cut answer. Here's why I posted. Our council (or district) runs a Cub-o-ree which is all-day Saturday with an overnight allowed into Sunday. I personally like two-night campouts so I inquired to the DE running the event if our pack could come Friday night. There is where she explained Cubs only camp for one-night (and then sent me that link previously posted). Because I have set in motion two-night camping for our pack for the last two years I was curious. She even admitted that packs in her own district don't follow that rule, but the rule is why her event is only one night. Anyway, thank you all. We're going to carry on with our fun (and optional) two-night camping with smores, campfire, hiking, dutch ovens, parent cooking, glow lanterns, and all the fun stuff we do in Pack 59 (www.facebook.com/Pack59nj/).
  8. Yes, that's where the DE said she saw it. Good job tracking it down.
  9. I've now heard from two people, one being my DE, that cub scouts are not to camp more than one night. I would think it would be in the GSS, but can't find it (thought it would be on page 22). Anyone know for sure? Our pack likes to do two-night trips (since we bring so much stuff).
  10. I like the idea of having parents right up there with the dens (family scouting, parent involvement, etc.). Right now our kids sit on the floor with the parents in chairs right behind. I don't want to keep the kids down on the floor too long, so not sure if I'll move the kids to chairs or just leave them there. My pack doesn't do songs, skits, or demonstrations. We'll be adding all of those in starting next month. Would love to have dens share more about what they've been doing, but getting some den leaders that have been around a few years to change isn't going to be easy. Maybe I'll start with my new den leaders (put up a table, ask them to bring in things) and just let it grow naturally from there.
  11. Just found this, for under $3 you can get a nifty certificate from Esty: https://www.etsy.com/listing/644774772/cub-scout-space-derby-participation
  12. Hello everyone. I have been reading all your posts for a couple months, but have recently been crowned Cubmaster. We've started our recruiting efforts and our recruiting night / pack meeting is at the end of September. I'd like to hear your thoughts on how you arrange your Cub Scouts for the first several minutes of the Pack meeting (opening, welcome/introductions). I like a giant semi-circle around the front of the room with each of our six dens sitting together in small groups (along the semi-circle line) on the floor with parents in chairs right behind. The semi-circle gives a large amount of floor space between the Cubmaster (front) and the line of seated scouts for presentations, scout songs/skits, etc. What do you do? Parents and siblings close by? Kids seated on floor?
  13. SeattlePioneer, would you mind sharing the certificate template? That would be helpful! Thank you.
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