Started Scouting as part of the early '80s Tiger pilot program. Made my way through Cub and Boy Scouting, with a stint in the OA. Trekked Philmont in '89 & '91; canoed the Maine High Adventure Base in '90 before it closed. Our Troop ran a lot of Klondike Derbies, and we had a great time doing it. Active Scouter through college and beyond. Scouting fell to the wayside when I joined the Coast Guard. Now that I have a Scouting-aged son, I've been quite happy to put the field uniform back on...
Currently, I am a Den Leader for Wolves. I just went to Cub Scout Resident Camp for the first time, and it was an interesting experience. Looking for other people to bounce ideas off, so I wound up here. I've seen the forum for years, but never got around to joining it.