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    Manassas, VA

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  1. I think you have a bit of the timeline out of order. Lion disappeared well before Webelos became a two-year program. The Lion rank was renamed Webelos, and the Webelos award was renamed Arrow of Light. The Webelos rank became a two-year program in 1989. Also, Tigers were in existance in the early/mid-80s before Webelos became a two-year program.
  2. It looks like the Tiger Den Leader is also gone. Does anyone know if the position codes will reflect that all there are no more Tiger or Webelos Den Leaders?
  3. Started Scouting as part of the early '80s Tiger pilot program. Made my way through Cub and Boy Scouting, with a stint in the OA. Trekked Philmont in '89 & '91; canoed the Maine High Adventure Base in '90 before it closed. Our Troop ran a lot of Klondike Derbies, and we had a great time doing it. Active Scouter through college and beyond. Scouting fell to the wayside when I joined the Coast Guard. Now that I have a Scouting-aged son, I've been quite happy to put the field uniform back on... Currently, I am a Den Leader for Wolves. I just went to Cub Scout Resident Camp for the first time, and it was an interesting experience. Looking for other people to bounce ideas off, so I wound up here. I've seen the forum for years, but never got around to joining it.
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