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Everything posted by SubSM

  1. Sardines is essentially reverse hide and seek. One person hides and the rest try to find him. The trick is, once he’s found the finder has to hide with him. It goes until only one finder is left, or the ‘sardine can’ explodes from the number of boys hiding there.
  2. Thank you all. It it has been great to read through the various ideas everyone has shared. There are so many different ways to do things and ideas to learn from. @mrkstvns I am not the great orator in the troop, I have my stories here and there, but our CC is a prior submariner and fantastic story teller.
  3. I am the SM of a modest troop (one of three in my town), I have been serving for about a year and a half. Prior to that I was an ASM for a couple of years. Before helping with my kids troop I had zero scout experience. I served 20+ years in the submarine service after graduating high school.
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