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  1. Patch goes against the seam of the top. left-pocket, the medal may be worn above the patch during formal events.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQG_kjyEYTg "The Scout, in his promise, undertakes to do his duty to his king and country only in the second place. His first duty is to God. There is a higher mission before us; namely the promotion of the kingdom of God, that is the rule of peace and goodwill on Earth. We Scouts count ourselves a brotherhood despite the difference among us of country, creed, or class. There is no religious society to the movement. The whole of it is based on religion. That is on the realization and service of God." - Robert Baden-Powell If there are any questions, I'm happy to talk.
  3. Been researching more into this, and it seems to me that, with a mentor that's available, a Scout (or a Den) would be able to include this into their program with no problem. Of course, it would need the Scout to participate on their own time. This would need the assistance of the right, and available, mentor. May I suggest speaking with schools. For example, a Middle School Science teacher would be ideal.
  4. Thank you, and very cool requirements, but may I assume that school work is accepted?
  5. Boys working with girls? Are you nuts? They will expect to vote soon after.
  6. I wish more Scouts promoted this.
  7. Thank you for giving me this information, but I am sorry that I still don't understand. I see what loops are needed, and they give alternative exercises, but nothing that says a Scout can't earn it from getting the proper loops. I am not trying to be difficult, just wanting to know more. I thank you again.
  8. Is the only way to get this is to be a part of the programs between Kindergarten and first grade?
  9. Yes, you are correct for a Boy Scout, but I was referring to a Cub. My mistake.
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