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  1. The Sea Base (and others, I think) program guide gives weight limit tables by height. Is there any factoring for fitness? I know I have weight to lose, but even in my heyday of running (very slowly!) half ironmans, I was never under 250lbs, which is +20 over the tables. I completely understand the logic for safety reasons, etc. So, do I spend money on a personal trainer to get fit-but-still-fat, a surgeon to amputate a leg to lose enough weight, or a therapist to get over missing this chance with my kid? I am, of course, joking about the amputation. It all comes down to: How strict are they on the weight tables? Thanks
  2. One of our ASMs noticed this - it looks like a requirement got added to lower ranks and then the progress shading gets hosed. For example, Tenderfoot 5d was added. I am confused about when it went into effect or when it came into the app, but as far as the app is concerned, it thinks my son is no longer working on First Class since there is now an open requirement in Tenderfoot. There may be better/more accurate explanations, but that is what we found.
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