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  1. Thank you. And this is one of the things I love most about scouting.
  2. I think I will volunteer for half the week and set clear boundaries so he is not my "shadow."
  3. I understand the suggestions, but knowing my kid, I have to set clear boundaries with how much time he spends with me at camp. Thanks for speaking up for anxious kids, though.
  4. Thanks. This is the conclusion I have reached... I will go for half the week. Scouting itself is a good fit, but you are right...a bad experience would make him want to quit....and I value him staying.
  5. No overnight camp without me, but lots of pack campouts. I didn't think camping by himself was a big deal, since he vacations with his dad in a remote location each summer (no cell service).
  6. Sorry for late reply....on vaca. I have thought about this.
  7. David CO, I get what you're saying, but my son loves Scouts. He is struggling with being away from me. We are meeting with his therapist tonight, and I am pretty sure I will attend half of camp (as a certified leader), with the understanding that I am there to serve the whole troop and that he can't be my shadow. The other half he is on his own. My goal is to raise an independent kid.
  8. I have been an involved Cub Scout mom for 6 years, and my 11yo recently crossed over to Boy Scouts. I want him to go to the weeklong camp this summer (Ransburg in IN); I feel it's important to start scouting with an immersive experience. He is bucking it big time. Supposedly he doesn't want to go because I won't be there. Backstory: his father and I divorced when he was young, and while we're both involved, he prefers time with me. His dad is not involved in scouting. As a school teacher, I could get certified as a volunteer and go to camp--but helping him become independent is a major reason I want him in scouting. He does see a counselor for anxiety and emotional issues. BTW I am not a hover mom-- I am excited about him trying new things at camp--but he is freaking out. Thoughts? TIA
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