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  1. I have personally obtained a FCC business radio license for our Boy Scout Troop and put the Scout Master on the license as the person in charge. We have several VHF frequencies available to use anywhere in the U.S.A. including Territories such as Puerto Rico. Since we could prove our nonprofit status the regulatory fees were waived free. We only had to pay the current FCC application fee of $70. Our license is good for 10 years. We chose to use Digital DMR VHF frequency radios for better clarity over far longer distances than unlicensed toy frs , gmrs or murs radios could offer. VHF frequencies even work better over hills that UHF gmrs or frs frequencies will not work through. A few bonuses of digital DMR radios. We have GPS models. If a radio or the user is lost, we can ping the location and find the radio if it is turned on and within range. If a radio is stolen , we can ping it's location if it is turned on and within range. If some one is using one of our radios in a inappropriate or malicious manor we can remotely stun the radio making it so the user thinks that it is locked. We can still un stun or un lock the radio when it is recovered. We can and do use digital voice encryption. There seems to be no reason those outside of our group should be able to listen in and hear our conversations. What if Tommy needs his medicine for example? We also have the ability to text message or speak privately 1 radio to 1 radio or to a portion of the group. We can even tune in and listen to the NOAA national weather service transmitters ... Digital DMR radios start at $75 and go up to several hundred dollars. Our TYT brand model MD390 VHF GPS equipped radios cost about $125 each. We purchased from a Ebay and Amazon seller from California going by the business name of "Let's Get Ready"
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