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  1. I my understanding from SM over email communication is, unable to find MBC in scoutbook. It would be lot easier to do things face to face.
  2. This was the case until the COVID-19 shutdown. Then tons of councils ran tons of MB classes online. Now we are in the uncharted waters.
  3. It is mainly about the finding the MBC in scoutbook and verifying the digital blue card with them I guess.
  4. These MB Sessions are conducted by BSA councils not individual MBC. Of course they are not our home council, but how it is fair for a scout who did all the work and getting into the problem of not finding MBC in scoutbook?
  5. I hope SM is not suspecting the legitimacy of the MB or MBC, but I am not sure. During this shutdown period the scouts got lot of time on their hand and took advantage of the online virtual MB sessions. Almost off of them asked the scouts do do the work and submit the proof. I have no concerns on the quality of the sessions my son have attended. But tracking back the MBC after 1 or 2 months will be a difficult task. Some Digital blue cards are issued in the name of the Program or Council without the MBC's personal contact information.
  6. #1 SM wants to find the MBC in Scoutbook and he is not able to do so since some of them are not in the scoutbook. #2 Yes. He has traditional blue card for many of them before the shutdown. For some he got the approval in scoutbook. For some scoutbook gave errors so couldn't get. SM is aware that the scout wants to do all these MBs.
  7. The councils he got merit badges are all over the country. I'm not sure how my SM is going to verify each of the MBCs. I do not want him to refuse the fully completed digital blue cards. He will be heartbroken.
  8. My son received many blue cards in different layouts of PDF files for his virtual merit badge programs conducted by various BSA councils. But my SM is unable to find those counselors in scoutbook. He wants to contact those individual counselors and get additional information. I'm not sure why this is necessary? It is required to identify the individual counselors in scoutbook in order to approve the merit badges? I thought blue card PDF is sufficient to enter the merit badge completion in scoutbook. I do not wish to delay the merit badge completion. Kindly let me know the right thing to do.
  9. Hello, Our troop do not during this lockdown period. There are many virtual merit badge events run by various BSA councils. My questions are 1. Can the Scout attend and complete the merit badges without SM's approval and without blue cards? 2. These councils issue digital (PDF) blue cards. Are these acceptable? 3. Our SM do not want scouts to do lots of merit badges saying the meaning of the merit badge is misunderstood. It is meant for only life skills like eagle merit badges and only the hobbies the scout is interested. To me merit badges are wonderful opportunity to learn and get exposed to wide range of skills and hobbies. Please let me know if the scout wants to earn all the 136 merit badges is a bad idea. Thank you very much for your help.
  10. It is personal management merit badge. The one he is concerned is the 13 weeks budgeting. Thank you very much. Regards Sam
  11. Hello, My son started a merit badge 2 years ago and finished few requirements and last year the requirements changed. The new councilor is asking him to get another blue card and redo everything. What is the right thing to do? Thank you very much. Regards Sam
  12. Thank you very much everyone for your response and time.
  13. https://scoutingmagazine.wordpress.com/2014/03/21/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-merit-badge-sashes/ I read this but stick confused. A scout with 100+ merit badges, can he attach the patches in the front and back of the sash? Or Extend the sash lengthwise and attach the patches only to the front of the sash? Or Any suggestions? Regards Sam
  14. Thank you very much @MikeS72
  15. Hello, I have completed IOLS training from a different council. I'm not sure how to add it to my my.scouting.org account. Also my account is not attached to the troop I belong to. Please help me to attach it to my troop. Thank you very much.
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